Power, Revenge, and Promises

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"Forces of the alliance!" Gonvar called. "The chaos forces are nearly annihilated! Keep going!"

"CRUSH THEM!" Chizet yelled.

"Nulgath, Gomfalion is facing Drakath currently," Dage said. "He needs assistance."

"I'll go help the mortal!" Nulgath said. "Archfiends! Continue to attack the chaos army! Dage will be in control!

"Somebody has to go with Nulgath!" Kitri said. "That is not enough against Drakath!"

"I'll go," Gonvar said. "Even I have something to settle with him..."

"You can go as well, Chizet," Kitri said. "Dage and I will take care of these bastards."

"Are you sure?" Chizet asked. Kitri nodded afterward. "Alright then. Skyguard! To us!"

The Skyguard ship dropped by the battlefield, and the three volunteers hopped on the deck.

"Chase Drakath," Nulgath said. "We must assist the Eternal Dragon of Time."

So the Skyguard ship flew up as fast as it could toward the floating rock where Gomfalion and Drakath stood.


The battle had begun once again.

Gomfalion surged towards Drakath and planted a slight cut on his shoulder. He let out a horrific groan. Drakath then waved his left hand, and Gomfalion was blasted to the edge of the rock.

"There really is just something you can't understand, Gomfalion," Drakath said. "I've been through so many battles that shaped me to what I am today. You do not stand a chance!"

Gomfalion recovered from the ground, and charged back at Drakath. "I will do whatever it takes to stop you! Nothing is going to prevent me from ending you!"

Gomfalion jumped to Drakath, and they clashed swords. "I was once the Eternal Dragon of Time, but I was slain and I took on a human form. It took years for me to return my powers, but here I am. You will fall under the wings of Lore's Eternal Dragon!"


Drakath blew Gomfalion to the edge of the rock once again in a massive explosion of chaos. He compressed his hands, and began to charge up a ball of chaotic energy.

"I killed you once, and I have the power to destroy you once again!" Drakath laughed. "It's over, hero!"

Drakath released the ball of energy at Gomfalion. But what was seen after had shocked Drakath. A mass amount of iron swords stabbed the ball of energy, until it was reduced to nothing but swords stabbed on the ground.

"If you wish to destroy Lore itself, you'll have to kill everyone who's in it," Nulgath said, and he appeared out of the blue with the Skyguard ship behind him.

Chizet jumped off of the ship and charged at Drakath. "The darkness is not yours to own!"

Chizet jumped and stabbed his sword on Drakath's remaining wing.

"Agh! I have found much more to darkness!" Drakath said. "The Queen has given me the power of chaos, and is the one power that will rid this world of light AND darkness!"

Gonvar jumped off the ship with a rifle in his hands. He shot a bullet at Drakath, and it pierced through his armor.

"That's true. And you threw away what you once were to the garbage, all for the sake of this power?" Gonvar said. "I remember the beginning of chaos. I was your enemy, along with Sepulchure."

[Book 3] Land of Chaos: The Final Battle (AQW)Where stories live. Discover now