It Doesn't End Here

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"Each time the millennia turns, and my freedom is at hand... you are my salvation. It it why I choose you. Why I will always choose you..."

These were the first words of the Queen of Monsters, as she continued to speak to Drakath's mind.

"...and why I will always leave you behind. There is no room in my world for failure. And I cannot rise without your destruction. You have served me well, son. Goodbye."

"She's gone! She's BEEN gone since you entered!" Drakath said, lying defeated in front of the chaos portal. "She... left me."

"Do you mean the Queen of Monsters has been outside this whole time?" Gomfalion asked. "I don't face her after I end you?"

"No... No. She's... Time is different here," Drakath explained. "She could have been out there for weeks. Months. Years, maybe."

"Then I've got to get back out there!" Gomfalion said. He took a few steps forward and stopped again. "Aren't you going to try to stop me?"

"She rose, and your world is falling. Chaos' titans will rule, and the Queen of Monsters is in command!" Drakath said. "And we are here. All my chaos powers are gone. Everything I was before, is nothing. I defeated you again and again, until finally, here. You beat me. Because she needed it that way. But that's the last time that will happen. I am no one's pawn!"

"So does this mean you're on my side now?" Gomfalion said. "Eternal Dragon of Time and Champion of Chaos versus the world?"

"NO. I am not the Champion of Chaos. Not HER champion. I'm fighting for myself now. Against you, her, and everyone. Chaos will bow to me, even if I have to destroy HER to do it!"

"I wish you luck."

"I want NOTHING from you."

"This is goodbye, then. There's too much to do to just sit around and rant," Gomfalion said. "My friends are waiting, my sword arm is ready, and I have a queen to destroy!"

Drakath then stood up, looking away from Gomfalion, who stood in front of the chaos portal. "She's free! The Queen of Monsters has returned... And here I am."

"She IS free. You freed her, and now you don't want to face the consequences," Gomfalion said. "Go off. Raise your armies. Reclaim your birthright and power. See if you can succeed again when you aren't backed by an infernal she-beast. I am going to save the world. The Elemental Lords know it can't count on YOU."

Gomfalion then reached out with his left arm, and he was sucked in by the chaos portal, back to the real world of Lore. He returned to Mount Doomskull, with the purple sky that had faded away. The orange sunset hiding in the mountains coloured the clouds pink, and the sky mixed with a light shade of blue and yellow.


As soon as Gomfalion stepped out onto Lore, he noticed no one was there. Nobody but Chizet. He was greeted with an excited yet laid back smile.

"Chizet! You're here!" Gomfalion exclaimed. "What about Artix, Gravelyn, Battleon..."

"You're finally here!" Chizet said. "You've been gone for weeks! I thought you were dead!"

"Well, I'm back... Now what do we have to do next?"

"Rest, Gomfalion. Rest. The Queen of Monsters is out there, and lord knows where she is hiding. For now, though, we can rebuild and enjoy peace. Temporarily."

Gomfalion fell to his knees, almost collapsing and fainting. "Finally. The chaos is over. We can finally go back home."

"Indeed," Chizet replied. "Now come, let's go back home. Real home."

[Book 3] Land of Chaos: The Final Battle (AQW)Where stories live. Discover now