The Chaos Realm

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"Forces of Lore!" Dage called. "Chase the forces of chaos! The battlefield is ours!"

"I can smell the victory of our army!" Kitri said.

On the other side, a general of chaos called out to the chaos army. "Legion of chaos! Fall back! Retreat! We are outnumbered and Drakath is nearing the chaos portal!"

"Yes... run, chaos, run," Chizet smiled. "We are triumphant, Lore!"

The armies of Lore cheered as they raised their weapons.

"Now, return to Shadowfall, everyone!" Chizet continued.

"There's one last problem we need to face," Kitri said. "Drakath is about to enter the chaos realm and free the Queen of Monsters."

"Then we must catch up with Gomfalion!" Chizet said. "Skyguard! Bring us to the chaos portal!"

The Skyguard ship dropped by as Chizet, Dage, Ahmes, Kitri, and Nulgath hopped on. It hovered up once again, and it flew to the top of the mountain, where the chaos portal was located.


Drakath walked to the chaos portal as he reached the top of Mount Doomskull. As he entered the now opened portal gate, he was sucked up inside, and his power and energy was drained as he traveled through space and time to the realm of chaos.


As Drakath screamed with his power being sucked up from him, every place in Lore began to act up. The lands trembled, oceans bubbled, the sun began to vanish in the clouds, and volcanoes began to erupt.


Meanwhile, as Gravelyn had saved Gomfalion from his fall, they landed back in front of the chaos portal along with Artix.

"My wings are gone," Gomfalion said. "Gravelyn... How can I ever thank you?"

"Don't mention it. The whole world needs you as much as Artix and I do," Gravelyn smiled. "Now. That's it. He's entered the portal. There's only one thing left to do now, Artix."

"My friend, the portal is incredibly dangerous," Artix explained. "You saw what happened as Drakath passed through. The energy and power, drained from him. If you go through it, we are sure the same will happen to you."

"But if I don't... I've got to risk it. Otherwise, the whole world will fall," Gomfalion stated. "We could reset the world, maybe. The Dragon of Time powers could do that. But look what happened before! I would rather face Drakath and make sure this ends here!"

"Gravelyn, it is time," Artix said with sincerity.

"Time for what?" Gomfalion questioned. "I've got to go in there. NOW!"

Artix and Gravelyn had the silhouettes of dragons appear behind them. In a flash, the dragons turned white and their spirits entered Gomfalion's body. Gomfalion began to glow with a white aura.

"What... Was... THAT?" Gomfalion said in curiosity and shock.

"We gave you our strength, the might of two elemental champions," Artix said. "You may not be able to keep your power... but your strength plus that of ours should make sure that you are ready to face Drakath-"

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