As the three former pirates face Death...
Gravelyn and a small amount of her undead soldiers struggled to stand ground on their castle that was falling apart.
"The castle is lost!" a skeleton said. "There is no hope..."
All of a sudden, there came Artix and Warlic on a flying ship; a literal flying boat powered by gasoline and arcane magic, equipped with cannons and gunmen. The Skyguard Ship, as they would call it.
"We're here, Gravelyn!" Warlic said.
"Skyguard! Attack!" Artix said, as cannons and muskets began to fire toward the chaos army.
"They've arrived!" Gravelyn said.
"Empress Gravelyn, we can no longer control this ship!" exclaimed the skeleton.
"We don't need to control it," Gravelyn said, pointing to one of the floating rock formations around the mountain. "We just have to hit that! Collision course!"
And the skeletal dragon roared as it flew towards the rock and collided.
"I told you, people, you guys are dead dead," Death said. "You've already tried to circumvent the rules of Death by helping to raise Shadowfall."
"We had a deal, Death," Gomfalion said. "Our story isn't over yet and we have to get back before your realm is filled with all the souls on Lore!"
"Death is the only truly eternal entity, Gomfalion," Death explained. "In the end, I always win."
"Not this time!" Gamzati said, as she swung her sword to deal the first blow, driving Death back.
Back on the surface, Gravelyn's castle crash landed on the rock.
"Now, forces of the Shadowscythe!" she announced. "Load in the Skyguard Ship!"
The ship parked at the edge of the rock. The undead soldiers began to jump in.
"What about you, Gravelyn?" Artix asked.
"Don't worry about me," Gravelyn said. "I'll go and search for Drakath myself."
"Are you sure?" Warlic said. "You could get yourself killed! He's too powerful for any of us!"
"Well, if I won't go and kill him, who will?" Gravelyn said. "Gomfalion's dead. He cannot just all of a sudden come here to save us. And I made a promise to my father that I would be the one to defeat Drakath. That I would be the one to avenge him."
"I wish you luck, Gravelyn," Artix said. "Be careful, and remember that the ship will come as soon as possible when you need backup."
"Thank you, Artix," Gravelyn said. "Now go, there's no time to waste!"
"Skyguard!" Warlic called. "Proceed to battle!"
[Book 3] Land of Chaos: The Final Battle (AQW)
FanfictionThe world of Lore has been torn apart. Chaos monsters reigned over the whole land, corrupting what once was a peaceful world of equality. The Great Truce, though still intact, falls to pieces as leaders of their factions fall. Gomfalion and his alli...