Youth and Whiskey

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“Guess who has an interview with Bryan Satrzz…zzz…zzz…zzz,” Andy screamed.

“Who?!” I screamed, carefully jumping on his back since my ribs were still fucked.

“Who do you think, fucktard?!” Andy yelled, throwing me at Jayy.  He caught me and I yelped in pain.

“Shit!” Andy said.  Jayy carried me over to the sofa and carefully set me down.  He then went and grabbed a few icepacks and placed them on my bruised side.

“Fuck you,” I said to Andy.

“I said I was sorry!” Andy yelled back.

“No you didn’t you lying fuck.  Go get me ice cream.  Now.” I said, trying to be serious.

“Yes, your majesty,” Andy said, curtseying like a girl and running off to the kitchen.

“How did you train him so well?” Jayy asked me.  Everyone else is out doing who knows what.  So, it’s just me and my heard of gazelles, minus Austin.

“One too many encounters with Cartie,” I said, chuckling.  Jayy looked at me confused.  “That’s what the guys call me when I get drunk,” I explained to him and he nodded slowly.

“But you’re only nineteen…?” Jayy said, giving me a questioning look.  Just then Andy came in with a huge bowl of Neapolitan ice cream.

“Youth and Whiskey!” Andy sings.

“You only live once, so just go fucking nuts!” I scream after him.  “Fuck.  I’m an idiot,” I said after that.

“Yeah, no screaming till your ribs aren’t fucked!” Jayy said, poking my cheek.

“HURRY UP! BRYAN WILL BE HERE IN FIFTEEN MINUTES!” Andy suddenly yells.  I finish my ice cream quickly and look at Jayy, who carries me up the stairs.  I’m not really supposed to climb stairs, so one of my gazelle heard carries me up.  The gazelle herd consists of Andy, Jayy, Chris, Austin, and me.  Why? I don’t know.  It was only us, though.  Anyone else had to pass the initiation.

Jayy set me down in my room and I quickly got dressed.  I decided to be risky today and just wore a black cami with my leather vest that was covered in buttons.  I wore ripped black skinny jeans and three belts, one of that had handcuffs attached and the other two had chains hanging down them.  To top it all off, I straitened my hair and spiked and teased it and did a deep smoky eye.  I threw on some black lipstick for added effect, slipped in silver facial jewelry and threw my locket on before lacing up my combat boots with spikes on them.

“Hey Bryan!” I heard Andy say.

“Hey!” I heard Bryan exclaim in his nasally voice.

 “Why hello there, Bryan,” I heard Jayy say in his creepy seductive voice.

“Hey baby,” I heard Bryan say back.

“Please don’t fuck each other when I am in the house!” I said as I walked to the top of the stairs.  “Gazelles unite!” I yelled.  That was what I was supposed to say when I needed help.

“Coming!” I heard Jayy yell.  He came up the stairs and carefully picked me up bridal style.  He walked down the stairs and I heard Bryan awe.

“Shut the fuck up if you want to keep that arm,” I said to him.

“Wow,” was all he said as he looked fake hurt.

“Don’t worry, her bark is worse than her bite,” Andy said, booping my nose.  I caught his finger between my teeth and bit him.  Not too hard, just hard enough to make him yelp.

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