Sorry, Quick Update

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Okay, sorry everyone, but i might not post as often as i have been.

I will continue writing the story in the word doc i have it in, but it might take me a while to get it together to post.

I have school starting back up this week, ive been sick, and i have some personal problems to sort out right now.

I promise i will not quit this and i will try to have a new part whenever possible.

I write stories, draw and write poetry to keep my mind off of things instead of doing other things.

I love each and everyone of you guys that read this and can relate to one charecter or another, whether it be Carter and her personal and family issues, or maybe you are in the same position as War and are disowned.  Even if you dont relate to a charecter, but still read this, i thank you.

Please Comment if you have ideas/suggestions or if you need an ear to hear what you need to say.

Rock on and stay strong my darlings. \m/

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