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Mayleen's P.O.V

"Jasmine!" A female voice rings around the house.

"In the kitchen!" Jasmine calls back. We hear footsteps come closer and then a hispanic woman, not that old, stands in the doorway.

"Hey Jas. This your new friend you talked to me about?" The woman pointed to me having a Mexican accent like Jasmine in her voice.

"Yeah her name's Mayleen, but you can call her May." Jasmine said introducing me.

"Well it's nice to meet you May. I'm Jasmines mom, Laura." Laura stretched out her hand and I shook it but she pulled me in a hug.

"Oh I see, you've changed your favorite child for this one."  We both pull away and see James standing in the doorway with his hand over his heart. "I sure am hurt. I'm heartbroken that my own mother doesn't love me."

"You want me to go and tell your mom right now that?" Laura scolds James.

"No, no, no. It's all good." James walks over to Laura and gives her a hug.

"Yeah. That's what I thought." She hugs James back. "Honey, I'm going to go grocery shopping, okay?"

"Yeah, see you later." Jasmine says.

"It was nice meeting you May." Laura comments.

"It was nice meeting you too." I respond back as my phone started to ring. I grabbed it from my back pocket and slid the screen to answer not even bothering to look at the caller id. "Hello?"

"Honey, where are you? You were supposed to be at the house when we came back to greet us from our trip." My mom's formal voice ranged through my ear.

"Yeah I had some plans tonight with my friends. I hope you don't mind." I turned my back on Jasmine and James who were making sandwiches.

"Friends? Are you friends again with Nesha and Andrew?" There was a slight excitement in her voice.

"No it's not them." I quickly said dismissing the idea forming in her head. "They're new friends I made this week."

"This week?" She questioned.

"Yeah, they're good people. I like hanging out with them."

"Well sorry to bother with your plans but we really need you in the house right now." I sigh knowing that my mom really didn't need me. She just didn't want me to hang out with them.

"Fine. I'll be there in five minutes."

"Ok. And I'm sorry honey that I ruined your plans but we really do need you." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, bye." I hung up after she also said bye. I turned around and looked at James and Jasmine who were still making sandwiches. "Hey you guys."

"Yeah?" Jasmine asked without looking up.

"I need to go." I sucked in air waiting for them to scold me and tell me why I was ruining our time to hang out like Nesha did the last time we hanged out.

"Oh, is it a family matter?" Jasmine questioned.

"Yeah. My parents just came back from their business trip and I wasn't there to greet them but we can hang out tomorrow."

"Yeah sure. And good luck with your parents, Justin is going to take you home. Bye, see you tomorrow."

"Bye May." James speaks up.

"Bye guys." I say to them both.

"Justin!" Jasmine shouts.

"What!?" Justin shouts back from the living room.

"Take May home!" Jasmine shouts and Justin comes into view in the kitchen.

"Why?" He questions his voice evident with anger.

"Because she needs to leave and she went to pick you up. Now go." Jasmine smiles at him.

"Why can't James take her? Why me?"

"Justin." Jasmine says.

"Fine." He groans walking out the kitchen and me following.

We both walk out the house and towards the car. We both get in and he starts the car driving out Jasmines house and towards mine. We didn't live far away from each other so it was a five minute drive.

There was an awkward silence. I glanced at Justin seeing that he was gripping the steering wheel tightly. I gulped and turned back around to look out the window. When we got to my house I got out.

"Thanks." I said before closing the door.

"You're not welcome." I roll my eyes and close the door. I walk inside and to the kitchen. "Hey mom and dad."

I hug both of them since I haven't seen them for a month.

"Hey honey." My mom says.

"Hey sweetie." My dad says after.

"How were you guys?" I ask.

"We were fine. How about you?" My mom says answering for both of them.

"I was good." I tell them.

"Well tomorrow we have a busy day. We're going to go shopping, all three of us. So why don't you go upstairs and go to bed to get a good sleep for tomorrow." She smiles at me and I force myself to smile.

"Ok." I knew it. She didn't really need me. I walked upstairs to my room and closed the door behind me. "Why does everything go wrong for me. I could be with Jasmine and James, and even Justin although he doesn't like me."

I walked to my closet and grabbed a pair of pajamas and changed into them. I went to lay on my bed looking at the ceiling.

"Why?" I close my eyes and remember what happened for me to be like this and my relationship with Nesha get ruined.

I got up and went outside of my room on the balcony.

I want to change. I don't want to be this outcast anymore.


Another one! Another chapter bro.

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