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Mayleen's POV

"So how have you been?" Ashton asks me as we sit on the couch in the small living area.

"I've been getting by." I give him a small smile. "How have you been? How's your arm?"

"I've been good, my arms good. And now better that you're here with me." He says with a warm smile that used to make my face heat up but now it doesn't. His smile falls and he looks sad. "We need to talk Mayleen."

I gulp knowing what he wanted to talk about. It was nerve wracking, especially now that I see him after a whole year, wondering if he died.

"I know." I fiddle with my fingers looking down at my lap. I can't make eye contact with him, it makes me even more nervous.

"Look up at me." He puts a hand over my hands as I look up and meet his stare. "I know there's probably no 'us' anymore. And maybe you're still with Andrew." I'm about to protest about Andrew but keep my mouth shut knowing he would want to finish before I say anything. "But I want to still be friends with you. You're a nice person and a kind hearted girl. Plus you're beautiful and any guy would be lucky to have you. I know I messed up by doing something that hurt you really bad. I know you probably won't forgive me but I still want to be in your life, as a friend." He takes his hand off mine and brushes it through his dark hair. "I hope you know that whatever you decide, I'll thank you for everything you did for me. Even your presence right now is something to thank."

I feel the tears start to come and next thing you know I find myself crying. He pulls me in a hug which I return and proceed to wet his shirt he had put on a while later after we hugged in the room.

After calming down I pull back and look at him. "I've already forgiven you for everything. You cheated on me, yes, but I know you're a nice person. And if a romantic relationship didn't work for us, maybe we can have a friendship. And just so you know, Andrew and I broke up that same week your sister told everybody at school I killed you. Oh wait, I didn't tell you that, did I?"

"She said you killed me?" Ashton asks in disbelief. "Why would she make up suck a fucking lie?"

"And I know it might sound horrible and I don't want pity, but everyone started bullying me. And since then I've always carried a burden of killing you." I look away from him unable to meet his eye.

"But you don't have to no more. I can help with all the bullying you've suffered."

"It's alright." I look back at him and smile. "I have new friends, and talking about friends, you should meet them. I bet they would be glad to meet you."

"I hope so." He grins at me before pulling me in a bear hug. "I've really missed you May. You don't know how much."

"I've missed you too Ash." I mumble hugging him back.

"Oh and now that you told me you're not with Andrew, I want you to find someone who treats you right. Who really loves you like I did. And who doesn't mess it up. You hear? Find your lucky guy." I smile as I feel my eyes fill once again with tears.

"Shut up Ash. You're going to make me cry again." I croak out pulling back and rub my undereyes.

"You do deserve better than me or Andrew. And like I told you, find the lucky guy." He smiles back at me and I can't help but smile back.

"You know, you should find that lucky girl too. I know you can be better now that you learned from your mistakes. And maybe even love her like you once loved me, and maybe love her even more. You're a wonderful guy Ash, any girl would be lucky to have you. Even I was lucky to have you, before I acted stubborn that is." I chuckle a little. "But seriously, find that girl. The one that makes you smile without knowing. The one that makes you lose your mind. The one that makes you think chivalry isn't dead. And, most importantly, you ready?" I ask him raising an eyebrow.

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