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Mayleen's POV

James, Jasmine, and I were walking to the car after the last bell of the day ranged.

"Guys, guess what?" James asked us and Jasmine and I turn to look at him as we walk towards the car.

"What?" I ask.

"There's the winter dance coming up and we should like totally go!"

"You're right!" Jasmine says then looks at me. "That would be a perfect time for you and Justin to connect."

"Connect?" I question raising my eyebrow. "In what way?"

"In ways that you stay thinking about all night." She laughs and keeps walking. Wait, I do not think about Justin like that. Never have. I run forward to James and Jasmine.

"I really don't." I say.

"Yeah, sure." James rolls his eyes but then stops walking when Nesha and her little minions block our way.

"Well, well, well, look who we have. The three musketeers." She smiles and it kind of made my stomach churn. "The little 'gay' guy." She says looking at James.

"I'm not gay, I never said I was gay. Not that I have anything against gay guys, they are pretty hot. Wish they could be as hot as me though." He laughs and then turns to look at Nesha. "I'm straighter than the pole your mom dances on."

"Don't go there, twin two." She looks at Jasmine."But as I was saying, the second musketeer, the mexican outcast."

"I don't like people, they are some fuckers. That doesn't mean I'm an outcast." Jasmine says rolling her eyes at Nesha.

"And finally, the third musketeer, the murderer." I narrow my eyes at her as I see from the side James and Jasmine looking at me in what I can assume is shock. "Guess you haven't told your friends yet."

"Guess you didn't get what I said earlier." I look at her in the eyes. "I will tell everybody."

"No one will believe you." She says laughing.

"They will when I show them evidence." Right when I say that her whole body tenses up.

"You don't have anything."

"You don't know me." I hold my head high and walk away confidently but only on the outside. Because inside, I was a fucking mess.

"Hey." Justin says to Jasmine and James.

"Hi." James says slowly as I take a seat in the back of the car and Jasmine enters shortly after, followed by the boys.

The ride to Jasmine's house was awkwardly silent.

"I'll order pizza." James said while we all got out the car when we reached Jasmine's house.

"Yeah, sure." Jasmine said. "And I actually want to talk to you May." She said turning to look at me.

"Uh, yeah." We walked in and I went to the living room to leave my bag.

"Shall we go?" Jasmine stood in the entrance of the living room.

"Yeah." I walk behind her knowing she was going to ask why Nesha called me a murderer.

We both walked in her room and as soon as I walked in she closed the door. We sat on her bed and she looked at me.

"Want to explain on why Nesha called you a murderer?" I look at her as we fall in a deep silence, but not so deep when people, hint James and Justin, were eavesdropping. "Guys! Come inside!"

The doorknob slowly turned and opened to reveal James smiling and Justin just standing there.

"We weren't spying." James quickly says.

"Go downstairs." Jasmine says.

"Fine." They both said in unison before closing the door.

"So?" Jasmine questions me again and I sigh. After everything she's done for me, I need to tell her.

"Fine, but I don't know where to start." I look down at my sweaty hands.

"From the beginning."

"Okay." I take a deep breath looking up and start to tell her. "Back in freshman year I was going out with Ashton Rainen, Nesha's brother. He was in 11th grade at that time. We were dating from the beginning of the year all the way to the summer. He kind of cheated on me at a party he went to."

"Kind of?" Jasmine scoffed.

"Fine, he did. But let me tell the story." I said and she nodded. "I broke up with him before we started school. Nesha, Andrew, and me we were the three best friends. You couldn't separate us. Andrew confessed he had a crush on me on the first day of school. And I didn't say yes or no at that time because I was still sad and upset about the whole Ashton thing. A week later after all the thinking, and I even asked Nesha, I said yes to Andrew. We were the power couple at Hearstville High. Even though I was only a sophomore, I was the Queen and you can all but assume that he was the 'King'. I was an awful person. Horrible. Wicked. I walked past Ashton just to spite him. He looked hurt, and at that time I didn't care because he hurt me. Since my sister was also in his grade he talked to her so she can try to talk to me so me and him could get back together. I being the me that I was didn't really care about anyone's feelings. Nesha was still my best friend at that point, she loved me. But all of a sudden she began shutting me out, stopped texting me, stopped hanging out with me and Andrew, all those things. And one night she texted me to meet her up somewhere, and when I got there it was out in the country. My sister was with me but she stayed in the car while I met up with Nesha. At first I wasn't scared, but when I got closer she had a fucking gun. I looked at her in the eye and she pointed the gun at me."

"What happened?" Jasmine asked as I felt the tears start welling up in my eyes.

"I-I was scared, I was terrified. I didn't know what to do." I blinked a few times to get rid of the tears. "When she pointed the gun at me she said 'You're the reason my brother and me are drifting apart. All he spends his time doing is trying to get you back.' That is still stuck in my brain till now, Nesha was a mess, she was crying. And just when she was about to pull the trigger, out of nowhere, her brother jumped in front of me. She was yelling at him to move or she will kill us both. It was dead silent at that moment, only our heavy breathing was able to be heard. In a matter of seconds she pulled the trigger and shot her brother. He collapsed in front of me, I was shocked and I wanted to cry. Nesha was bawling her eyes out and dropped the gun. She left the scene while my sister was running up to me. She asked what happened and I told her as best as I could, I knelt beside Ashton and saw blood everywhere. He said he was going to be fine, my sister told me we should go. I walked over to the gun Nesha dropped and took off my cardigan and wrapped the gun inside. My sister and I left before somebody came. The next morning Nesha started spreading rumors that I killed Ashton just because I didn't want him no more. The school believed her."

"And the police?"

"They didn't. They said Ashton came that morning to say that he was leaving the town to forget about everything and to not tell his sister. He had already told his parents. So they didn't believe her. And up until now, everything has been a mess. Andrew broke up with me when he found out, everyone started bullying me. I thought I deserved it, the way they were treating me, that was the way I treated them. I still have the gun, my sister left for college and we didn't tell anybody what happened that night."


"Because we don't know what happened to Ashton after."


Mayleen's background story. INTERESTING.

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