Chapter 17

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Once I started writing, it just flowed right out! I hope you enjoy it and thank you for all your comments and support. It means the world to me.


**| Sean's POV |**

As soon as we landed at the airport, I took the car Luke used to sneak after us to New York City and headed towards the hospital to check in since I missed work for a couple of days. Victor, Gabe, and Luke took Victor's car and headed to Owen's house. We had a meeting in a couple of hours, giving me just enough time to swing by the hospital.

Dr. Roberts knew I was on my way and I assumed that was the reason why my phone currently buzzed with his name flashing on the screen.

"I'm on my way," I answered.

"Before that, I need you to do a discrete pick-up."

I frowned at the phone. "What's going on, Phil?"

"I have a bird getting three children out of a bad place and she needs a getaway car. You are going to be that car. Afterwards, you're to bring them here."

"I'll do it, but only because children are involved," I said.

He chuckled. "I sent you the pick-up location. You'll have to wait a bit since she needs to wait for a good time to get them out."

"I'll do it," I said, gripping the wheel until my knuckles turned white. "What kind of situation exactly is this?" I asked, scared of the answer but knowing I needed to know.

"Kidnapping. The kids are foreigners, only speak French so the bird will help you hopefully calm them down if need be."

"All right. I'm on my way. Should I call my brothers?"

"No, this needs to be done delicately."

"Luke can be delicate."

"So can the bird and knowing your team, you'll try to do more than is necessary. We can't afford the entire group storming the place. We are already working on taking them all down. I just need you to pick up the kids and bring them to the hospital."

"Okay, I got it," I said. "Pick them up, bring them to the hospital. Easy."

"I hope so," Phil said and his apprehension leached through the phone and settled around my heart. I didn't want anything happening to the children either. I only hoped nothing went wrong.

I hung up and put the address into my navigation app. About twenty minutes later, I pulled into the spot. I was sitting near an old warehouse that looked completely abandoned. I glanced through all my windows, trying to find signs of life but nothing.

Was this the right place? I was tempted to call Phil but decided not to. He sent me the right location. I just needed to wait. I slid down in my seat so people would think the car was empty and waited.

Not even half an hour later, I heard a shot and looked towards where it came from. A few seconds later, four figures sprinted towards the car. I started the car, unlocked the doors, and not long afterwards, the back door flew open, three kids diving in. Two boys and a little girl. The back door closed.

The front door opened and the bird got in. I pulled away quickly, not wanting whoever was firing the gun to shoot the car.

The bird next to me shifted and I heard the click of the seatbelt. She released a slow breath and I looked at her, nearly driving off the road.

"P-pookie?" Little Miss Sang Sorenson currently sat next to me. Her green eyes widened when she realized I was her getaway car.


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