Chapter 3

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Last time~
"Nice job kid I knew you could do it." I smile "Thanks but you didn't have to laugh at me. " "I was laughing at Undyne not you," "Oh."
This time~

3rd person POV
You and Sans walked to Hotlands and you made sure that Sans wouldn't leave you to fight another monster again. Once you got there you and Sans walked near a lab but you both passed it little did you know was the real reason why Sans left you to fight Undyne on your own was because he wanted to test and see if you really are like Frisk. And he found out you are because just like Frisk you refused to fight. Sans admired this about you. You also liked that Sans was kind not many people are nice to you but Sans is. You think that one day you and Sans will learn more about each other, and maybe become best friends. But the things you've hoped for always come out opposite so maybe you won't become friends but enemies which would be horrible, like your worse nightmare. Sans is your last hope at life, if he's gone then so is your reason to live.

~~~~~~~~time skip your pov~~~~~~~

We just got home from the tour of the underground. After the tour we went to a place called Grillby's and ate. I head for the couch and sleep because I'm tired from my walk. I like Sans he is nice and knows exactly how to take care of a cat. I went to sleep on the couch.

Sans POV
When we get home the first thing the kid does is walk to the couch and fall asleep. Someone was tired. "SANS!!!" He always wants something. "Yea bro? " He walks down the stairs and he seems pissed. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" I look at (y/n) and her cute little cat ears start twitching. What did I just think? I point at (y/n) to let Papyrus know he needs to be quieter. He looks at her and sighs. "I took the kid for a walk." He groans. "Your so pathetic taking care of that human." "Heh heh yeah." I accept the names Paps calls me because I don't want to fight with him I want for us to actually act like a family and not enemies, like no one is better than the other, we are both equal and no one is better. It's to bad Papyrus has his own ideas. I walk pass him and go to my room to sleep. I hope I have another dream of us being the brothers we used to be.
Author: hey guys I'm back

Fresh: yaaaaaaaay

Author: how were things while I was gone

Fresh: things were wack without you being there *lightly blushes and turns away*

Author: o-oh really *blushes*

Both: ...

Author: well that's it for this chapter thanks for your support on this book because I was nervous about writing a book but you guys helped me so thank you thank you thank you very much

Fresh: that's a lot of thank you's

Author: sorry

Both: see y'all next time


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