Chapter 27

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I kicked Flowey and Sans, did a backflip, ran upstairs, hid under Sans bed. There was a lot of junk under there so I put clothes around the edges of the bed so he wouldn't see my body when he looked under the bed.

I heard footsteps so I turned into a cat and stayed quiet. I saw and eye socket look under the bed then leave. I heard someone open the closet, close it, then footsteps hearing for the door.

I got from under the bed and went on Sans' bed. When I got up I went near the window. I suddenly heard the closet open then Flowey popped outta no where and scared me. I jumped back. For some reason the window was open so I fell out the window and died.

I was back at the RESET and CONTINUE button. This time it was different I felt as if someone was here. I ignored it till someone grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

"You can see me right?" They asked.

It was a girl or a boy with flowers covering one of her eyes, and around her head. She also had some sticking out her sleeves and the hole for her neck.

She shakes me and slaps me when she sees me staring. I nod.

She cheered. I was scared that I'd look like them or worse. Is that what's gonna happen to me if I keep dying?

"Finally! Someone can see me! Yeeeees!" She cheered.


"My name is Chara, and yours is (y/n). I've been watching over you for quite the while. Creepy right?"

I nod.

"Don't worry I don't follow you in the litter box."

I nod.

"Stop shaking your head and speak."


"I'm sorry for keeping you."

"It's....okay. Do I know you?"

"That's not important, go to your boyfriend."

I nod and hit the RESET button.

Chara disappeared and I fell face first on the ground.

I groan and lift myself off the ground. I felt a boney hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Sans with a worried expression on his face.

I felt something really close to my eye so I tried to brush it away, but it was another flower. My body was in pain so I stayed on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Sans asked softly.

"It.....hurts." I said weakly.

He helps me up and hugs me. It was a soft hug but it felt like he didn't want to let go anytime soon. I smile and hug him. I feel tears drop on my shoulder causing my smile to fade.

"I can't lose you too." I hear him whisper to his self.

"We aren't getting anywhere with what we're doing now. Let's move forward." I said softly.

He holds me tighter then lets go of me. He nods and teleports us in front of Waterfall.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

I nod.

We walk through Waterfall, soon enough we see Undyne. We tried and dodge most of her attacks. But in the end, I died.

I RESET and we tried again it took quite a few tries but we finally got Undyne to put down her weapon and let us pass. At the end of it all the rest of my right eye was covered in buttercups. Sans wanted to give up but I convinced him to continue.

We walked through Hotlands and had to fight Mettaton. We didn't have to fight Muffet because we bought a spider donut from her. I tried flirting with Mettaton and complimenting her, because she seemed narcissistic. I was right but it didn't really help much because I died twice.

We walked to the Core.

"(Y/n)?" Sanѕ asked.

"Y-yes?" I responded weakly.

"Are you sure you don't wanna stop? Let's just rest for now. Please."

"O-okay. B-but d-don't w-worry about m-me o-ok?" I asked.


I was surprised but flattered that Sans would never stop worrying about me.

He picked me up and we walked in the opposite direction of the Core. We found a safe looking place and decided to stay there for a while.

I coughed up blood because I was cold also because of the buttercups covering my eye and forming around my head and the rest of my body.

Sans notices and gives me his jacket. He told me I could keep it.

"Th-thank you."

"No problem, hon."

I blushed at the pet name Sans has given me. I'm bad at thinking of pet names so I'll just call him love.

"Is there a problem?" He asked concerned.

"N-no I w-was j-just thinking."


"N-nothing special, o-or anything y-you h-have t-to w-worry y-your h-head a-about, l-love."

He looked surprised then blushed. I laugh weakly. Sans pulls me closer to him. I snuggle into his arm.



"Promise me that you won't leave me. Please." He started crying.

I nod and kiss his forehead. I feel a few tears slide down my cheeks. They aren't his, they are mine.

Sans wipes my eyes and I wipe his. We kiss then start telling each other jokes.



"Why did the skeleton ask the neko to be his girlfriend?"

"I d-don't k-know w-why?"

"Because he wanted to tell the neko 'olive you' and he was bonely without her."

I giggled and blushed.

"W-why d-did the n-neko cross t-the r-road?"

"I don't know why?"

"S-so she can g-get t-to t-the h-hot, c-caring sk-skeleton's h-house."


"K-knock k-knock."

"Who's there?"

"The n-neko."

We both laughed and soon fell asleep.

Flowerfell Sans x Abused! Neko! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now