Chapter 1

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I walked through the cold snow, body freezing, blood dripping from my wrist, legs weak. I  fell down here on a death wish but I survived and I'm looking around but I was not able to find much. I hung my head low looking at my feet. I saw my f/c boots and ripped up jeans. I sigh at who ripped them up and cried a little then

I see a figure approaching me sluggishly like they are deep in thought or something, I can't see who or what it is so I try squinting my eyes but I still could not see. The figure stopped, I think it could see me I'm scared to move at the moment. So I stay there staring at the figure. The figure breaks the distance between us by walking closer I could finally see it was a skeleton. (Picture below)

He looked at me shocked, was I a surprise to him? "Who are ya, kid?" "Y-y/n

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He looked at me shocked, was I a surprise to him? "Who are ya, kid?"

"What are ya doin here, y/n?"

I kinda hesitated should I tell a complete stranger who I am? "Um...I just-Um... f-first you have t-to tell me your n-name."

"Heh I'm Sans, Sans the Skeleton, ya scared kid 'cause your stuttering an awful lot?" I nod my head I was scared? More like terrified. "Well ya should be but not of me... I won't hurt ya, okay?" His voice got softer as he said the last part it helped feel less tense. "Okay"

"Now answer my question what are ya doin here?"

"I came down here to... kill myself." I whispered the last part ashamed. "W-what why would you do that?"

"Because nobody cares."

Sans POV.
When I heard the last part I was surprised why would she want to do that. "Because nobody cares." I feel bad for her. Today I'm just hearing and seeing all the worst things. First Frisk dies then a girl who looks about my age and kinda cute comes here trying to kill her self. Wait did I just call her cute? Why would I do that? Ugh maybe today's just getting to me maybe I should go home and sleep.

The kid snaps me out of my thoughts by sneezing and it sounded adorable like a little kitty. I just noticed that her skin is pale and turning blue she must have been out here for a while, she looks like she's freezing I quickly took the time to get a good look at her. She was wearing a f/c long sleeve shirt, around where her wrist are there is red liquid dripping from her sleeves she must have cut her self, she was also wearing some badly ripped up jeans and f/c boots.

I took my jacket off and handed it to her so she wouldn't be as cold. She smiled at me then took the the jacket and wrapped it around her body "thanks" was all she said. "No problem kiddo come on let's get you out of the cold okay?" I offered my hand to her and she stared at it for a while before taking it. I don't understand how anyone can hate her she is so friendly just like Frisk.

I teleport to the front of the house, open it, and walk inside it. When I look at y/n she was looking around. She reminds me of Frisk so much, I try and hold back tears but fail. "*gasp* are you okay? What's wrong?" I wipe away my tears only for more to return. "A person I was really close to died today."

"Oh my gosh Sans that's horrible, I'm sorry for your loss."

"Heh it's okay but you remind me of her so much."

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing for it's not like it's your fault?"

"I just-"

Y/n was cut short by my brother. "SANS WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"W-who's that?"

"My brother."

"W-why is he s-so loud?" I literally have no idea why so I shrug my shoulders. "I'm downstairs boss!"

"Why do you call him boss?"

"He doesn't like it when I call him by his name."

"Older or younger?"

"Younger brother." Boss came running down stairs then he saw the kid. "SANS YOU HAVE BROUGHT-"

"Ugh be quieter please!" I was shocked just one minute the kids to scared to talk now she's yelling at my brother. The kid had they're hands over they're head, like they were pressing down on something. When I scan the kid for a second time she has a tail?! And when I look at Paps he's upset. "DO NOT YELL AT ME HUMAN."

"T-then s-shut u-up I w-wouldn't h-have t-to s-scream i-if y-you w-were q-quieter." Wow the stuttering is getting worse poor kid must be scared out of her mind.

'I'm freaking the freak out right now. Whats wrong with me why did I say that!!! *internal screaming*'

Sans' brother walked towards me, while I stood there shaking. 'Help me!'
"YOU ARE BEING SUCH A PAIN HUMAN." That was it I was so scared I changed into a black (you could change that to your favorite color if you want) cat and ran behind Sans.

Sans turned around and picked me up, then started to pet me, I purred as he did this. "Boss dont hurt the kid can't you see she's scared enough."


"Bro you got to be quieter than that, cat's have sensitive ears because they have better hearing than humans/monsters."

"*groans*fine but if it's staying you must take care of it."

"Okay then, what do you say kid want to stay and have me take care of you?" I nodded my head yes cause I have nowhere to go really. Then Sans started scratching behind my ears and I purred. This felt amazing. (NO DIRTY THOUGHTS PEOPLE) I was happy that Sans is letting me stay at his house, he's so kind. But his brother, that's another story. I want to thank him somehow I'll find out what I can do for him, but for now I'm tired and want a cat nap. So I fall asleep in Sans arms. He's surprisingly very comfortable.

Sans POV
While I was petting the kid I noticed that she went to sleep. I was kinda tired myself so I put her on the couch and sat next to her. Then fell asleep.


Fresh: yo whazz up this was a chapter of our newest book, hope ya liked it

Author: Fresh?

Fresh: yeah?

Author: where's flowerfell Sans?

Fresh: I'll go get him *walks through portal*

Author: um while he's gone, like he said hope you enjoyed

Fresh: I'm back

Ff Sans: whats up author

Author: hey, nothing much, anyway you need to end the book

Ff Sans: fine, but could I call you by your nickname and not author

Author: ...

Fresh: just end it broseph before we have a problem

Ff Sans: *starts sweating* well thats all for this chapter hope you enjoyed and see y'all next chapter


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