Chapter 25

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Flowey POV
When I left Sans I went to Alphys' lab. When I got there I saw some type of monster and Undyne was fighting it. I never seen that monster before so I was scared.

The monster then killed Undyne. I heard knocking on the door. Alphys ran towards the door so did I.

I saw (y/n) she looked at me confused.

"Flowey are you alright you seem pale?"

I was speechless.


Suddenly I saw the monster burst through the door.

"(Y/n) watch out!"

She turned around which was her mistake. The monster grabbed her she was struggling to free herself. I grabbed her using my vines. I tried to help but the vines ended up snapping and the monster ate (y/n).

I stared at it at first in disbelief and fear. The monster ripped me out to the ground and was about to eat me till. The world around me turned black.

When everything around me turned back to normal. I heard a thud and I was back in the ruins. I soon heard a girl say "ow" and when I looked through the door I saw (y/n) on the floor holding her head.

My vision of her was soon blocked off when Sans teleported in front of (y/n).

"What happened?"

He walked next to (y/n) and held her.

"I don't know, I was at Alphys' lab then there was this monster."

I could tell she was traumatized.

I never intervened when I saw (y/n) and Sans together because they looked so cute together.

They walked towards me.

"Flowey what happened?"

"I don't know! Some monster ate (y/n)! And if she didn't reset I would've been eaten too!"

"What monster?"

"I don't know that either! I never seen it anywhere!"

"So some random monster that you've never seen ate (y/n) and almost you?"

"Yes! It was coming from Alphys' lab Undyne was fighting it until she got eaten."

"Flowey I think you've been watching too much anime."

"Sans! If you're trying to say he's lying he's not!" (Y/n) yelled.

"Alright geez calm down."

We talked about what we were going to do, in the end we decided to do the same thing as last timeline and only do one thing differently.

After (y/n) made friends with Alphys and Undyne we went to Sans' house.

We told (y/n) is she didn't talk to Papyrus we'd give her yarn. She instantly agreed.

To my surprise she actually didn't say anything. Guess she is determined to getting her yarn. I laugh when I see her bite her lip while Papyrus pokes her head.

I can tell (y/n) reached her limit when she ripped Papyrus' finger off. Papyrus just looked shocked. (Y/n) and Papyrus just stared at each other. It was really awkward so Sans coughed.

(Y/n) started jumping on the couch. Papyrus pushed her off the couch.
(Y/n) shoved Papyrus' hand in his eye socket. The thing is she still silent. Now that right there is determination for yarn.

(Y/n) hid behind Sans. Papyrus looked like he was going to choke her. Sans got him to calm down. Papyrus left the house.

"Can I have yarn now?"

"No." Sans said.


"Because you don't know how to behave."

"But you said if I didn't talk to Papyrus. I didn't talk to him."

"See you're being a bad girl right now."

"Nya! Sans is so mean to (y/n)!" (Y/n) whined.

"Go play." Sans said as he took out a red light and shined it on the wall.

(Y/n) jumped on it but before she did Sans moved it on the floor next to her.

(Y/n) tried to get it again but Sans started moving it in circles. (Y/n) started chasing after it. Sans and I laughed at (y/n)'s failed attempts. Soon enough (y/n) hissed at the light and walked away from it. She then ran back to it and hit her face on the wall because Sans moved it to the wall.

She gave up on the light and just jumped on Sans. Sans fell on the floor while (y/n) licked his face. It was so nice watching them all happy together. Sans laugh when (y/n) licked his face.

"(Y/n) stop! It tickles!" Sans said in between laughs.

(Y/n) continued to lick his face. He finally got (y/n) off him and when he did he threw her on the couch.

(Y/n) grabbed me and yelled.

"I have captured your friend! And if you do not hand over the ball of yarn I will smash him on the ground!"

Sans gasped dramatically.

"You wouldn't." He said trying to hold in his laugh.

"I would! Hand over the yarn!"


"Then I shall smash your friend into pieces!"

"No! Sans don't let her kill me!" I laugh a little.

"I'm sorry Flowey I can't give her the yarn."

(Y/n) then puts me on the floor. I act like I'm dying.

"Noooooo! Sans how could you?! Thanks to you I'm died. Goodbye world."

"I'm sorry Flowey but I couldn't do it forgive me friend." He acts sad.

"Give me the yarn!" (Y/n) demanded.

"You're evil! But you have killed my friend so I must." He said dramatically.

He pulled out a ball of yarn from his pocket. He threw it at her. (Y/n) happily played with the yarn.

She obviously has no regrets about "killing" me. How rude. I'll remember that.

I hop over to Sans. He laid on the ground as he watched (y/n) play with the yarn.

"Ain't she adorable?"

"Yep! She's like a sister to me!"

"Then you have a cute sister."

"I c-can hear you b-baka!" (Y/n) yelled flustered.

Sans started to laugh a little. (Y/n) threw her yarn at Sans then chased after it. Sans and I laughed at (y/n).

Flowerfell Sans x Abused! Neko! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now