Chapter 11

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I was having a major panic attack thanks to (y/n). Why does she keep messing with my feelings? Is this all some type of joke can someone please tell me!!!

When I woke up I didn't see Sans anywhere so I got out the trash and began my search for him. He wasn't downstairs or the kitchen, he was in his room. I walked in and he looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

"The tables have turned!"

"What the heck (y/n)! Why do you keep coming in without knocking?!"

"I don't see a reason why I should."

"Because it's my room!"

"Okay I'll knock next time. But why you'd put me in the trash?"

"'Cause your trash."

"I know!"

"Good now go in that undertale fandom trash over there." Sans points to a trash that's labeled "Undertale Fandom".

Author: I expected more from you Sans

Sans: I'm sorry!!!!

Author: *rips off one of his ribs*

Sans: *screams*

Reader: now you know how I feel


"Kid can I ask ya a question?"


"Why'd you kiss me?"

"Why not?"

"Because we're friends!"

"Isn't that what friends do? Kiss each other?"


"1. Calm down 2. What's a couple?"

"A couple is two people that love each other."

"I love you!"

"(Y/n) no you don't."

"Yes I do!"

"(Y/n) do you know what it means to love someone?"

"To care about someone?"

"Sorta to love someone is to be with them because you have a lot in common and really enjoy being with them. You also feel weird around them."

"I love you!"


"But everything you said is what I feel about you!"

"(Y/n) your adorable it's actually funny watching you try to figure it out."

"I'm not ADORABLE!!!"

"Yes you are!"

I hissed at Sans and tried to scratch Sans but he moved out the way. He moves pretty fast. He picked me up and threw me on his bed. He then made a run for it. I got up and when I got out his room he was already downstairs, so I jump over the railings instead of going down the stairs. I landed on my feet which still hurt but I ignored it. I saw Sans run in the kitchen and went after him.

When I got in the kitchen, he was nowhere to be found. So I started looking everywhere in the kitchen but I couldn't find. Suddenly I felt to boney hand grab my waist. I got scared and jumped I landed upside down on the roof with my claws inside the ceiling. I saw Sans on the floor dying of laughter. I fell off the roof and landed on Sans. I was going to scratch him but he disappeared from under me. I run to the living room in search for him but I couldn't find him. I then heard the sound of the stairs creaking so I guess he went upstairs. I run up there and look in his room, I learned my lesson from last time so I looked in easy places to hide. I found him under his bed.

He started laughing and so did I. Then suddenly Papyrus started screaming for Sans. Guess we in trouble.

Flowerfell Sans x Abused! Neko! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now