Chapter 26

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When I ran after the yarn I made sure I hit Sans for him calling me cute. I also knocked down Flowey for saying that I'm like a sister to him causing me to be flustered. How rude of them to say nice things behind my back.

What a wuss! Say it to my face like a man! Wait what? The heck? I don't know. That made no sense. I don't make sense. That means everything is normal! Man that's too bad, I want some excitement.

Maybe I could have fun with Sans. (Insert Lenny face here 👉) I'm bored Sans better play with me or else I'm not gonna talk to him anymore.

I jump on Sans and licked his face. He stated laughing and trying to push me off of him. I stole his jacket and his shoes and ran away.

Sans POV
After (y/n) jumped on me then left I felt like I was missing something. I scanned myself I didn't see anything missing so I just shrugged it off.

I mentally face palmed when I realized I didn't have my shoes or jacket. That sneaky little girl. I checked all of upstairs and all of downstairs. She was nowhere in sight. I then hear the door open and close. I look at the door and see that no one is there so I think that (y/n) went outside.

Wait! That's probably what she wants me to think. But maybe that's what she wants me to think. Dang it! I'll just go look around Waterfall and if she ain't there then she's in the house.

I walk outside and head for Waterfall. When I get there I see Undyne, that's an automatic answer.

When I get to the house the door is locked. I teleport inside and see a cute little (f/c) kitty. I pick it up and it licks my face.

"I know it's you (y/n)."


"Because you're the only cat that licks my face and I'm pretty sure you're the only cat in snowdin."


She jumped on me and climbed on my head.

"Now we play hot and cold!"


I walked towards the stairs.


I walked up the stairs.


I walked down the stairs.


I looked around.

"I don't see it."

"Well it's in the area. I hid Flowey with it so he wouldn't tell you."

I looked on the ground.


"You hid it under the floor board didn't you?"


I laughed.

I looked at the floor board that seemed to be pried off. I took it off and I saw Flowey in my shoe and my jacket underneath.

I took out everything. I put Flowey on the table, my jacket on (y/n), and my shoes on.  (Y/n) ran around with my jacket on as she laughed. I laughed at how adorable she is. Her arms don't go all the way to the end of the sleeves because they're too short.

It's so funny.

She's so funny, and random. Really random.

I catch her and she tries to jump out of my grip.

"Guess what (y/n)."

"What?" She laughed.

"I'm gonna tickle you till your brain falls out."


I put her on the floor and started tickling her. She started laughing and trying to run away.

"Noooo stop!!!!" She begged.

Flowey joined in my tickling her too.

"No....Flowey... I-.... Traitor!!!" She laughed.

"Revenge!" Flowey yelled.

I laughed.

Flowerfell Sans x Abused! Neko! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now