Chapter 24

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After hearing Papyrus ramble on about Sans going places with me I went to Sans' room and threw myself on the bed.

Sans walked in soon after. He closed the door then sighed.

"You okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine but it sure is a lot of work keeping this a secret, and not only that but being friends in general."

"I know but I feel bad. I feel like you're doing all the work while I sit around and watch you."

"Don't feel like that kid. You are helping because without you, I wouldn't have been able to stand up to my brother. We would've been in another timeline right now."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

I walk up to Sans and hug him. He hugs me then starts kissing me. I pull away because I was tired. I lay my head on his shoulder. I hear him laughing softly as I drift off to sleep.

Sans POV
When (y/n) fell asleep I picked her up then put her on the bed. I didn't want Papyrus to walk in on us so I locked the door. I walked back to the bed then fall asleep next to (y/n).

When I woke up I saw two (e/c) eyes staring at me.

"I see you~." (Y/n) said cutely.

"Why are you watching people sleep?" I asked.

"You looked peaceful, and also I have nothing better to do."

"That doesn't mean you should be creepy."

"Well then maybe we can go to-"

"No! No! Hell no! I can not take the constant screaming anymore."

"Why you gotta poop on my party?"

"Why do you gotta destroy your lungs and voice, also my listening holes?"

"You seemed fine with it." She said bluntly.

"That was the first two nights. I can't do another night especially in a row."

"Why?" She whined.

"Because you're extra loud. Not to mention the fact that I had to read everything."

"You were going to have to read it anyway! It was in Japenese and Korean." (Y/n) whined.

"(Y/n), it was English dubbed. I could've understanded it just fine."

She sighed. She then looked at me devilishly.

"What's with that look?"

She kissed me. She then pulled away a minute later.

"If that was so I'd go then you wasted a kiss."

She whined.

"Go by yourself." I told her.

"No! I want you to come!" She said adorably.

"No! I don't want to."

"But if you don't come out won't be as fun."

"Why are we doing this so early in the morning?" I looked at the clock am saw it was 8:00 in the morning.

"Because I don't know."

"Just go by yourself! It's not that big of a deal."



"Why don't you love me?!"

"That is not how you show love."

She made an adorable, sad face that I couldn't say no to. I tried to look away but I didn't want to. (Y/n) kissed me then whispered:

"Please Sansy~"

I threw my pillow in her face.


I jumped out the window.

When Sans jumped out the window I just stared at the window. I groan knowing that he was not going to let me win. I also whine knowing that Sans isn't next to me like I want him to be.

For some reason there was heat where Sans was. How does a skeleton produce heat? The same answer at how does a skeleton talk; magic. I grab the sheets then pull them over me. I then hear a sound of wind. I look out from under the sheets and don't see anyone.

Suddenly I feel someone grab my shoulders. I scream and run into the closet. I hear laughing. I see Sans. I mentally face palm. I walk out of the closet.

He hugs me. I hit him in the arm. He laughs some more. He kisses my head then said he was sorry.

"You could make it up to me by-" I was cut off.

"No." Was all he said.

I kissed him for a while.

"Still no."

I groan.

"How can I make you come with me?!"

"You can't end of story."

I groan then start rolling all over the floor and walls, but not the ceiling the ceiling is evil.

"Just go by yourself." Sans said.

"No I want you to come."


"Because I love you! Also because you make things better!"

"Wow say it louder I don't think Papyrus heard ya." Sans said sarcastically.

"That's not the problem right now! The problem is you don't wanna go with me!"

"So you're going to force me?"


Sans sighs. Suddenly Flowey pops out the ground.

"Howdy lovebirds!"

"Flowey! Tell Sans to go with me to Alphys'!"

"What why?"

"She wants to go to Alphys' house to watch anime." Sans explained.

"And you don't?" Flowey asked.

"They are loud!"

"That's normal for otakus!"

"Well I'll go with you (y/n)."

"But I want Sans to go." I whined.

"But don't you want to hang out with me?" Flowey asked.

"Yeah but I don't feel the same way about you as I feel to Sans."

"Yeah but we can still have fun!"

"I guess you're right. I'll give it a try."

"Yay!" Flowey cheered.

"I'll meet you there!"

"Okay bye!"

"Bye Sans."

I kissed Sans then walked towards Alphys house.

Flowey POV
When (y/n) left I looked at Sans.


"You should take her on a date." I said bluntly.

"What?! Why?"

"She obviously loves spending time with you. You're also dating so take her out on a date."

"Flowey I can't do that, we'd get caught."

"I meant like when Papyrus leaves the house, make/get some food then you and (y/n) can have a homemade date." I explain.

"I don't know. I don't think Papyrus trust me enough to leave me with
(y/n) alone." He said nervously.

"He can't stay in the house forever. Well unless he stays in the house all day to watch anime." I said jokingly.

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I am! Anyway I gotta go bye!"


Flowerfell Sans x Abused! Neko! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now