Chapter 18

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Sans and I went back to his house after Papyrus left. I took Flowey because I knew I was going to feel awkward being with Sans alone. I just sat on the couch lost in thought trying to think what we should do this time so we don't get caught like last time.

"Hey (y/n)? Are you okay?" Sans snaps me outta my thoughts.

"Huh? Mmm....I'm fine!"

"What's on your mind?" He ask.

"Last timeline."

"Don't worry about it no one expect the three of us remember." I nod my head in response.

I get off the couch and walk towards the door.

"Where ya going?"

"For a walk, and don't worry I have Flowey." I reassure him.


I go outside and feel the cold wind hit my skin sending chills down my spine. I walk towards the Ruins knowing I'd be alone there. After long waking I made it to the huge purple door. I sat by there for about five minutes till I hear the sound of running. I look around and see a hooded figure running towards me. The figure stops in front of me, we stare at each other till I say something.

"U-um...who are y-you?"

The figure pushes their hood back revealing a red head boy with glasses. He had blue eyes ,a black cloak covering his body and a sword on his back. He looked as confused as me.

"My name is Matt....who are you?"

"My name is (y/n), and I've never seen you around here."

"It's none of your business."


"Whatever." He walks away.

"Now just hold on a second!" I yell for him.

"What do you want?"

"To now who you are."

"I'm Matt and that's all you need to know."

I laugh at him.

"What's so funny? Are you mental?" He points at my head.

"No I just thought of you dying!"

"The *bleep*?"

"What does *bleep* mean?"

"Ummmmmm......ask your mom."

"I don't have a mom."

"Ask your dad."

"I don't have a dad either."

"Then what do you have?"


"........that's not.....never mind."

"I don't have a family."

"Then how do you exist?!"

"My family is dead."

".....oh.....that sucks." He said bluntly.

"You really are rude." I roll my eyes.

"I don't care."

"STOP BEING A *bleep*!!" Flowey yells.

"*bleep* you!" Matt yells back.

"What does *bleep* and *bleep* mean?" I ask.

"None of your business!" Flowey and Matt yell at me.

"You're both bullies." I say.

"Whatever." Matt says and with that he disappeared.

'I'll probably see him later.' I thought.

I sat on the ground then began to fall asleep.

"Are you seriously going to sleep here?"

"Yeah, besides I know you'll protect me."


I feel asleep.

Sans POV
When Papyrus walked in the house he was mad, I wonder why.

" okay boss?"


"Why are you angry?"



I sat on the couch a little worried about (y/n).

'If she comes back Papyrus is going to be happy, and that happiness will be terrible.' I thought.

I walked outside to find her, but instead I found some guy in a hood in front of the house. He stared at me, I also stared at him cause I never seen him before. He ran away. I shrugged then went to look for (y/n). I soon find her in front of the door asleep, with Flowey looking around. He realizes I'm there.


"You let (y/n) lay on the cold snow to sleep?" I ask.

"Was I not supposed to?" He ask.

"It's fine ya seem to be doing a nice job at bodyguarding." I compliment.


"Papyrus is home."

"So what we gonna do?"

"I dunno, was hoping that you had an idea." I shrug.

"We can't keep her hidden, where is she going to go?"

"I know but she doesn't like Papyrus, she's going to make him upset, more than he already is."

"What happened to him?"


"Geez again?! He needs to be more patient with her."

"I know but what can we do? He said he's looking for a human to take his anger out on."

"Oh my glob, are you kidding me?!"

"Nope and there is a 50% chance (y/n) will live and be a slave, the other 50 is her dying then RESETing." I state the facts.

"Should we take the chance? I mean we can't leave her out here to freeze to death."

"Let's ask her when she wakes up."

He nods then I sit next to (y/n)'s sleeping body. I put my jacket over her cause I know how much she likes taking it.

After a while she woke up then we talked about the situation, she decided we go to my house and that she won't be rude to Papyrus. We all agreed on it then went back home.


Author: HELLO LADIES AND GENTLEMAN AND PEOPLE IN BETWEEN THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TAKING THE TIME OUT OF YOUR DAY TO READ MY HORRIBLE EXCUSE OF A BOOK. *cough* *cough* wow wonder what that was. Anyway I bet your asking 'who's Matt?' Matt is my best friend's oc! So mogekouniverse don't say I never did anything for ya! And I hope you're happy. You better be cause I was up all night for this. I even did this when you were being rude to me. Okay I'm talking to much. Bai~


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