Chapter 5

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As I fell I pushed my body towards the pathway, I landed on the pathway and slowly lost conscienceness. But I need to get out of here and help Sans.

*the urge to help Sans fills you with Determination

I get up and lean on the wall and look up. I can't see the lizard thing so I guess she left. I stay on the wall for a while, till my head stop hurting. Once my head stop hurting I start thinking of how to get up the wall. Then I have a great idea. I use my claws so I won't fall down again. It took about 5 minutes, but I finally made it up. "Yes, finally!" I say as I throw my hands in the air. I look around and see, thankfully, that Sans is still there. But he's still unconscious sadly. I run over to him and shake him a lot to see if he wakes up. "Sans, are you okay? Please wake up." He didn't wake up.

Maybe I should take him to his brother? Yeah that's what I'll do. I take Sans' boney hand and try pulling him. But it's a lot harder then I thought it would be. "Ugh, come on (y/n) you can do this." I say to myself. "Want some help?" What the heck?! Who said that?! I look around and see two floating children behind me.

"Um who are you?" She laughed.

"Chara and this is my girlfriend, Frisk."

"Hi," (I ship Charisk okay so it's in this book whether you like it or nah maybe I should put that in the description but ignore the Charisk if you don't like it I don't want to lose readers T^T.) Frisk waved to me. I waved back sheepishly. "So do you want help or nah?" I look at Sans then back to them. I nod my head. Then a red aura surrounded Chara's hand and then Sans and he was floating. "You have powers too?" Does everybody here have powers?! "Well no and yes, see I could only use it for a short period of time, because my soul is weak and I'm not even alive I'm dead technically I'm just a piece of a dying soul that can't leave the underground." Chara explains. "Yeah, so we should start leaving now before we can't help you anymore." I nod and walk towards Sans and Papyrus' house. As we got closer I realized that Chara is starting to sweat. Guess she is getting tired. Once we get in front of the house Chara puts Sans in front of the house and took a breath. "Thanks for helping me!" Frisk pats Chara's back, "your welcome." "Never... *pants*...again...*pants* will I...*pants* help anyone...*pants* ever again." That was really mean. "Sorry I told her to help you, she doesn't really like helping people." I guess that means Frisk is the nice one, and Chara is the mean one. 'How does a relationship like that work? Who am I to talk anyway I don't know what love is! No ones ever loved me! Maybe I should just kill myself right here, right now! What's the point of my existence anyway?! Thats what I came here to do anyway!' I cry a little. "Are you okay?" I wipe away my tear. "I'm fine." Chara and Frisk disappear and I'm left alone with Sans.

I walk to Sans and pull him to the door and open it. And as I open it I hear Papyrus calling for Sans. I take a deep breath and open it all the way. I drag Sans in the house. Papyrus walks down the stairs, sees me and stares at me. "Can you help me please and quit staring at me?" A red aura glows around me and I get thrown to the wall next to me. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO ME LIKE THAT!" I fall on the ground and struggle to get up. I fell on the floor two times before standing on my feet. I get up and try to walk towards him but multiple bones fly towards me. I dodge most of them but get hit by one in my leg. I hiss at the pain then try to take it out and keep walking. I finally got close to him so I fell on my knees, I get up and hug him. "Please don't kill me." I beg but he throws me to the floor. I get up again and hug him again only to be thrown to the wall again. When I finally get up for the third time I head for the kitchen as bones get thrown at me. When I get in the kitchen I look for something to protect myself with. I find a knife and I pick it up. I turn around and see Papyrus with a sharp bone in his hand. He raises his hand and tries to stab me with it but I move away I then hiss in pain because my arm got cut. I run out the kitchen and about 5 bones fly towards me. I move out of the way and 2 fly into the wall, but as I moved one cut my cheek slightly, I use the knife to cut through the other 2. I catch the last one and break it in half. I walk towards Papyrus and point at Sans. "Help him, you idiot." I grab him by his shirt and throw him towards Sans. He lands on his back. "Or I won't hesitate to kill you." He gets up and glares at me so I put the knife to his throat. "I'm serious."

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