Chapter 22

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When I woke up I saw Sans playing with my hair. He was blushing when he saw I woke up. He looked at me then at the wall. I kissed him then snuggled up closer to him. He blushed and kissed me. I laughed silently and we just hugged and cuddled for 5 minutes. We got up because we knew we had to stop before we got caught. I didn't really want to stop but stupid Papyrus was here. It's confirmed, Papyrus ruins everything.

I walked downstairs and saw Papyrus was in the kitchen. He looked at me.

"Where did you come from?"

"My mom."

He groaned.

"I meant where were you."

"In Sans room."


"First off stop questioning me. Second to answer your question, because I didn't want to sleep on the couch."

He groaned again and rolled his eyes. He gave me some pancakes that I was scared to taste. Sans walked downstairs. He saw how Papyrus was looking at him quizzically. He looked at me confused. I shrug and walk to the couch with the pancakes.

"Why was she in your room?" I heard Papyrus ask.

"She didn't feel comfortable on the couch." I cheered mentally when I heard Sans excuse.

"So where were you?"

"Papyrus calm down. It's none of your business. Why are you being so nosey? What's it matter?"

"I matters a lot Sans she is a human."

"So what? She didn't do anything to you. Give her a break! She's got a lot going on."

"Why does that matter to you?"

"Because she's my friend!"

"That's sad."

"That's coming from the guy who doesn't know what true friendship is."

"I know a lot more than you think."

"Oh really cause you always get mad at your friend! You're also petty! You always get mad at Undyne if she makes a mistake! She's not perfect okay?! She can't do everything perfectly!"

"Don't raise your voice at me!"

"Then stay off my back! What I do isn't your problem!"

"It is my problem sadly because you're my brother."

"Well guess what! I'm older than you!"

"But you're shorter!"

I walk in between Sans and Papyrus.


Papyrus looks shocked and Sans calmed down.

"Why are you two fighting?"

"Papyrus is just being petty. It's okay it's fine now."


"Shut up Papyrus. If I wanna sleep in Sans' room it has nothing to do with you. He let me sleep on his bed while he slept on the floor. Are you happy?"


"Then go cry somewhere you big baby."

I grabbed Sans hand and walked to the couch. I asked Sans if he wants to go to Alphys' house and watch anime and k-drama again. He rolled his eyes then said we could go.

I laughed then called Alphys first to see if she was available.


"Hi Alphys can we come over for another round of yesterday?"



I hung up, grabbed Sans and ran towards Hotlands. We pasted Undyne who looked at us confused. I stopped when I heard her call out to Sans.

"Yeah Undyne?"

"What's the rush and who's she?" She asked pointing at me.

"(Y/n) she's the cat that bit you. She wants to hurry to Alphys' to watch anime."

"Don't forget the k-drama!" I include.

Undyne looks at me.

"Well then what are you waiting for?!" Undyne yelled excitedly.

She picked Sans and I up and ran to Alphys' house. When we got there Undyne screamed at Alphys for watching anime without her. In the end everything was all good.

"You ready (y/n)?" Alphys asked excitedly.

I nodded and started jumping up down. Alphys told me to calm down because I needed my energy for the shows. I nodded and we went to the couch. There was instant noodles, chips, popcorn, soda, water, fans, cake, tissues, and pizza on the table.

"I see someone prepared for us."

"I did! I couldn't wait for you to come!"

I plopped on the couch, Sans followed. While Undyne and Alphys was talking I snuck a quick kiss. He blushed and I whispered to him:

"You won't get jealous of what I'm saying right?"

"Naw it's cool, besides the people you're fantasizing about are either not real or half way across the globe." He whispered back.

"Don't say that! They're real in my heart." I whisper-shouted.

"I thought I was the only one in your heart." He joked.

"Your the only real guy in my heart." I laughed.

He laughed then Undyne and Alphys sat next to me on the couch.

"So what you wanna watch (y/n)?"

"Ever heard of the anime attack on titans?"

She shook her head. I laugh and tell her to put it on.

The first few episodes everyone was crying. I guess we're all emotional.

We especially cried at the part where Eren's mom died and when we saw Mikasa's back story with Eren. It was all so sad, it's a good thing we had tissues. The used tissues were all over the floor. I constantly looked away when someone got eaten. So did everyone else. The thought of it made me shudder.

After we finished watching we went to the second season. It was a great show in my mind but I'm not sure about everyone else. They seemed into it.

After we finished the anime we watched EXO Next Door. I swear I died a little when I saw my baby Baekyhun. Undyne said she liked Kai and Alphys liked Xuimin. Fortunately for Undyne Kai was now single. I don't know all the details but I know what I know.

I swear my eyes stalked every feature and movement Baekyhun made. My cute little baby. I also noticed that in Baekyhun's name the word "bae" in it. Exactly why he's bae. I wonder what Sans would say if he knew what I was thinking.

He'd probably be jealous.

Flowerfell Sans x Abused! Neko! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now