Chapter 15

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Sans POV
'WHAT THE ACTUAL *bleep* JUST HAPPENED?! I didn't think (y/n) would try to kill Papyrus or was she not? Was her intentions to just hurt him? I don't know! I'm so confused! But then again before she left she was crying. Maybe I should talk to her? Why am I questioning that? Am I scared to see her? But everything was good between us! Ugh *bleep* it I'll just do and not think.'

I walk out of my room and walk past Papyrus. I took a quick glance at him and had 10,000,000 heart attacks at once. His face is straight in my direction, his skull had a one huge crack and smaller ones in the back. I walk upstairs and grab a pillow, blanket, and first aid kit. I put some bandages around his head, put the pillow under his head, then put the blanket over his body.

'I know he's always hurting me and making fun of me but he is my brother, also two wrongs don't make a right.'

I walk outside then head for Waterfall, I look every where till I hear an echo flower say something. I walk towards it so I could hear better. The sound it was making was the sound of running and sobbing. Now I have a clue as to where she went. I walk in the direction of the flower, making sure to observe my surroundings just in case she's hiding. I end up somewhere near the castle.

'Could she have went in the castle? I don't think so she'd probably be in the area though.'

I look around the castle till I finally find her she must've took a turn somewhere because she's on a hill, under some leaves, trying to hide herself. I teleport up there, when I get there she looks confused, she moves from her hiding spot to look down. I guess she saw me. I grab her from behind causing her to jump a little. She looks at me and tries to remove herself from my grip, I let her go. She tries to get up and leave but I don't let her, I grab her leg.

"Sans let me go!"


"Leave me alone! I don't wanna talk to you right now!"

"Why? Did I do something to you?"

"N-no, I did....something to you. Don't you h-hate me?"

"No, why would you think that?"

"Because of...." She trails off.

"(Y/n) it's going to take a lot more than that for me to hate you."

Her eyes begin to water up then she practically throws herself in my arms. I hug her tightly and play with her hair, whispering in her ear "it's okay". After awhile she calms down.

"I'm so so so sorry Sans, I didn't mean to hurt him."

"It's okay (y/n). Can you just tell me why or what happened?"

"Well yeah but it's a long story."

"I don't have anywhere to be."

"O-okay well it happened on the surface..."

----------------time skip to after the story brought to you by the authors laziness (revisit chapter 5 for story)---------------

"So you're telling me this isn't the first time it's happened?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"It's fine (y/n) I don't hate you okay?"

"Okay but why? I hurt your brother and he probably could've died."

"Well because I trust you, and also if I'm lucky this probably taught him a lesson about being rude."

"Maybe." She started to laugh.

We stayed there for about an hour just hugging each other. It was great. But someone had to ruin the moment and it was no other than Undyne. I thought I didn't have to worry about it but unfortunately I was wrong. Undyne threw a bunch of spears at us.  (Y/n)  almost got hit by quite a few of them we had no where to go really so we were forced to fall off the side of the mountain. When we hit the ground I heard an unmistakable sound of bones breaking. I look towards (y/n) only to see her holding her leg. Undyne aimed more spears at us, I picked up (y/n) bridal style which wasn't hard because she's under weight then teleported home.

"I thought you told her that lie about lying to me!" Is the first thing (y/n) says.

"I did! I don't know what happened!"



"What are we going to do?! If she knows that you lied she's gonna tell the king!"

"I don't know! But for now let's just calm down and figure things out."


"But first I have a question."


"Why are you so under weight?"

"'Cause I don't eat much, never did."

"So your telling me you starve yourself?"

"Not really, I just don't eat lunch or sometimes dinner."

"Um....yeah come on."

"Where are we going?"

"To get you something to eat."

I pick up (y/n) again, then we go down stairs to get something to eat. I put her on the couch, then head in the kitchen. I look in the fridge and find (Burger/fries) then heat it up. I give it to (y/n) who seems to be having a hard time keeping herself together. I sit next to her, pat her head. She purrs. It's so cute. She eats the (Burger/fries) then falls asleep. I put my jacket on her like a blanket remembering how much she loves the comfort it gives her, then fall asleep as well.

Flowerfell Sans x Abused! Neko! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now