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Delilah-what? his drummer?

Read at 4:16

Shawnie-hey Delilah sorry I was gone I was with a friend

Delilah-your friend mike the drummer?

Shawn froze. She was about to find out everything and he didn't know if she would treat him the same if she did.

Stupid Mike.

Delilah meant a lot more to him than to what his crew thought. He just had to know if she felt the same way before he told her.

So, he gave a little white lie.

Shawnie-mike is my friend and he does play the drums

Shawnie-and he was kidding when he said he was my drummer

Delilah-I never said he was YOUR drummer Shawn...

Shawnie-yeah I know I'm just saying just in case you thought or something


Delilah decided to brush it off, she knew Shawn would probably never lie to her but all the things he hasn't told her yet were slowly catching up.

Delilah-well anyway I painted my room pink and gray

Delilah-but not like the ugly pink but a pretty pink yaknow

Delilah-like not pretty princess pink but not goth emo pink either

Shawn let out a sigh, he was good for now. Either Delilah decided he was telling the truth, or she didn't care enough to pressure him. And he was incredibly thankful.

Shawnie-I didn't know goth emo pink was an actual thing

Delilah-it probably isn't but hashtag yolo right

Shawnie-Delilah you don't have to actually say hashtag to oh never mind

Delilah-that's what I thought ;-)



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