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It was snowing when they got to Shawn's house. The beautiful two story house, was made from a rustic red brick foundation and snow covered the entire roof and driveway. When you saw the house you would get this homey feeling like you belonged there and if you entered everything was going to be alright.

I mean besides the fact that Delilah just only met Shawn in person less than 12 hours ago and she was meeting his parents the same day, she felt completely fine.

Only besides that fact she was absolutely terrified.

When they pulled up into the driveway, Kevin and Shawn both got out. Shawn being the sweetheart he is opened Delilahs door as she scrambled out, mumbling about how she wasn't the queen of England and she didn't need special treatment.

Kevin helped them get their bags out the car, and gave Shawn a man hug and Delilah a huge hug, telling her to invite him to the wedding as her best man. She only rolled her eyes and said he would be her bridesmaid.

Shawn picked up his bag and one of Delilahs duffle bags, Delilah could only just stand on the icy drive way, in her sweatshirt and socks with sandals.

"Hey Del what's wrong?"

"What if they don't like me"

"Delilah they're gonna love you" Shawn scoffed as Delilah only deepened her frown.

"No no what if they only pretend to like me when in reality their trying to think of plans to make me run out" Delilahs eyes widened as Shawn only snorted.

"First, you're watching way too much HBO, an second they won't Delilah, because behind all your sarcastic remarks you are a sweet and caring person, I don't know about gentle but your little perks are what make you so different Del" Shawn dropped the duffle bag, to hold one of Delilahs freezing cold hands, and he looked at her face, her red nose, and the chestnut whisks of hair that framed her face. "And before you start freaking out, different is amazing"

Delilah tried to ignore the warm feeling that was growing inside her as Shawn held her hand, and from utterly perfect words he just spoke making her heart sky rocket. She was at a loss of words, so she did the most ballsy thing she's done in awhile, and she took his face by her freezing numb hands and kissed his cheek.

Shawn was frozen. And not because it was 30 degrees outside. He could only stare at the girl in front of him, as she looked anywhere but at him.

Both their cheeks were flushed, but no one would know if it was from the cold or from themselves.

"Well I guess it's now or never" Delilah sighed her smile never faltering, as she readjusted the bags on her back, "Shawn Peter is that bag on the freezing melting wet ice"

"I hope it's waterproof" he gave her a sheepish look and grabbed the bag from he ground and led Delilah to the front door.

"I guess we'll find out" Delilah laughed a little as she followed Shawn, careful with her step, as the black ice was terribly slippery with just sandals. "Shawn if I fall and go into a coma make sure you don't wake me up"


"You aren't supposed to agree oh my god" Delilah reached the front door with Shawn as he only grinned at her, "it's now or never. Can I press the doorbell"

"I have the key" Shawn showed the small metal key that had maple leaves printed on it.

"The maple leaves are so extra Shawn, it makes you even more of a stereotypical Canadian" Delilah started laughing as Shawn only rolled his eyes, before Delilah suddenly stopped her laughter and grabbed Shawn's arm before he could open the door, "Shawn do they know I'm coming"

"Well of course they do they were the ones who gave me the idea to bring you, mostly my mom she was freaking out about your name" Delilah couldn't help the smile grow on her face, and she gave Shawn anther kiss on the cheek making his already red cheeks become darker. She couldn't believe he told his parents about her, she would tell her own father only he was never home to have an actual conversation with her.

Shawn opened the door, and the aroma of fresh muffins filled their noses, making Shawn sigh with delight and Delilah to ask him where the kitchen was.

"Mom! Dad! Aaliyah! We're here!"

Delilah heard several footsteps coming in their direction and she felt herself becoming terribly nervous. The fact she was meeting two people who were so important to a guy who was so important to her, stressed her out. She felt the need to try to make sure they liked her, yet she couldn't put together why.

"Be yourself Delilah, you'll be fine" Shawn whispered in her ear, noticing her nerves coming back to haunt her. "Oh and you look beautiful"

Delilahs frown turned upside down and she only looked down at her feet shaking her head.

Shawn nudged her slightly as, the footsteps closer until they finally stopped right in front of the two. Delilah finally looked up, her eyes widening as she stared back at the eyes that looked right into hers.



Late but it's only cause I'm doing actual chapters now also:

thank you so much for your wonderful comments they make me so happy you do t understand

and this book has reached 3k! That's crazy guys wow thank you so much!

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New update should come this Sunday or late Saturday <3

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