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Before I start this I want to say I was feelin unmotivated before but then I had chipotle and a girl literally spammed me with comments and I'm literally crying because It got me so happy so anyway read on!

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"Are we there yet god"

"God isn't here at the moment leave a message after the beep" Shawn's friend Kevin said from the drivers seat, answering Delilah fourth 'are we there yet.'

"Well I don't hear the beep" Delilah sassily said back, rolling her eyes.

"Maybe because God doesn't want another message from you"

"Oh please Kevino God obviously loves me" Delilah answered back, Shawn watching the two with an amused smile trying not to laugh. "Now I think I deserve an apology for being so great"

"Forgive me oh humble Delilah" Kevin and Shawn were now both laughing as Delilah was trying her hardest to keep her straight face.

"Damn straight" Delilah poked Shawn's shoulder, "can we go get food I'm starving"

"Delilah we're in the middle of the forest" Shawn laughed, and Delilah thought she heard a giggle from Kevin.

"Fine I'll go ask the squirrels"

"Delilah it's winter are you stupid" Kevin butted in this time.

"Jeez cut me some slack I'm from New York not the North Pole"

"Delilah there aren't squirrels in the Nor-oh nevermind" Shawn saw the look Delilah was giving him from the mirror and shut up so quick, the Flash would be surprised.

"Wow Shawn your girlfriend controls you so well" Kevin stated laughing, and gave a high five to Delilah, who screamed her usual 'damn straight.'

"She's not my girlfriend Kevin" Shawn looked at Kevin, "yet"

"I'd like to see you try to girlfriend me up Shawn" Delilah winked, trying to hide the blush that creeped on her cheeks.

"It's happening already del" Shawn turned around and smiled at the embarrassed Delilah stuffing her face in her sweatshirt. "Nice sweatshirt"

"Thank you, I like to pretend some guy gave it to me so I bought it extra large for a reason" Delilah smiled, while Kevin had to stop the car from how hard he was laughing. "You know Shawn I can't believe I'm about to say this but I felt safer with killer uber driver instead of this lunatic"

"He's not always this bad" Shawn was now staring at Kevin who was trying to calm down with no avail.

"How is he married"

"I honestly have no clue Delilah"

"Shawn I-I ap-prove" Shawn heard Kevin attempt to whisper to him as he continued laughing his heart out.


Update! Late but I was so unmotivated but hi hello I love you

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