Peter & Sophie's Engagement (Chapter 15)

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"Great job class, see you all tomorrow." I told our modern dance class as they left.

"I'll see you later baby. I'm meeting the band for lunch." He gave me a kiss goodbye before leaving.

"Peter, hey." I looked up to see him standing there.

"Hey, wanna grab lunch? Sophie's got plans today."

"Sure, let's go." I nodded as we headed out, Peter seemed to have something on his mind- but I decided not to pry. Finally once we'd taken our seats and ordered our food, he spoke.

"I actually asked you out to lunch, because I have something I want to talk to you about- and well, you are Sophie's best friend-
and well..."

"Peter, just tell me." He pursed his lips clenching his eyes shut, he dropped his head, rubbing his face, when finally he took a deep breath and looked right up at me.

"I'm ready to marry her, Leah. I want to marry Sophie."

"Wait- seriously?"

"Of course! I want to marry her!" I couldn't help but to hug him.

"Oh my gosh! When?"

"How's tomorrow, but I need a little bit of help setting it all up."

"I'm all ears." I raised my eyebrows as he grinned and immediately started talking all about his plans.


Soon enough everyone was in on the plan- while Sophie, was absolutely clueless. I knew Peter had called her parents last night, asking their permission.

"Hey, what do you think?" Peter asked opening the ring box and showing it to me as I gasped.

"Oh it's beautiful Peter! She will LOVE it!"

"This ring was my grandmother's- and even though she'll have another ring for the wedding, I just thought maybe she would like to have this, actually, it was my mom, who- uh, suggested it. She gave it to me months ago, even though I told her I wasn't ready, and lately I had just been thinking about her and I more and more, and then I remembered the ring, and the other night, on our date, she told me that I was her first real love, that this had been what she'd always wanted- a real relationship. That's when I knew, it was time."

"Oh Peter, that's so romantic. I'm so happy for you both."

"You know we wouldn't be together, if it wasn't for you and I meeting."

"I guess that is true, huh?" I laughed as he chuckled.

"Thanks for doing this Leah, and thanks for introducing us, I'm glad that even though we never got a chance at a relationship, that I found my true love."

"I am sorry we never got the chance for that date Peter, you are an outstanding guy, Sophie is lucky to have you. I just hope you know that I was never ready for what you had to offer, I'm sorry I never gave you a chance, I just didn't feel the same- but I'm glad Sophie stole your heart instead."

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