Friends By My Side (Chapter 36)

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"Morning Lilac!" I greeted her as she descended the stairs.

"Morning, have you heard from Mom?" She sighed putting her book bag by the door.

"Yes. I talked to her last night, everything's fine but Daddy still has to stay in the hospital a little while longer and Mom is staying by his side- so looks like you'll be staying here for awhile. Okay?" She just nodded as she got herself a bowl of cereal, after breakfast I took her to the studio letting her know she could work in my office and then later she could watch us rehearse.


(Riker's P.O.V.)

"Alright! And...1...2...3!" Rydel counted as they got into position and I watched Leah as she kept herself distracted trying to get down the moves- but so far today, she just couldn't focus, it had been this way practically all week and I was worried.

"Okay- let's call it a day everyone!" I called out coming on stage approaching her, I pulled her aside, "Hey, how you doing?" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Honestly, awful. Everything is such a mess. And now I have to watch my sister on top of it. I know I told my Mom I would take care of her but that's only because I didn't feel that Liam should be taking on the responsibility." She rambled off before letting out a sigh as I moved a strand of hair out her eyes.

"Woah- okay, you are on work overload- between this and having to redo those designs, are you sleeping at all Leah?" I could tell she was exhausted- between worrying about her Dad, watching her worried little sister, struggling to get ready for this month's show, and recreating those designs, she was on stress overload, and I knew if it got any worse, she would crash, soon.

"Not much."

"Okay, how about I take Lila off your hands for awhile? You go, visit your Dad, then head home and work on the designs. I'll take Lila over to the band house and she can hang out with Rydel."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely princess. You need some time to yourself." She leaned up kissing me as a thank you.

"Alright go." I chuckled as she pulled away, man did love her, "Thank you Riker."

"Just go." I waved her off as I sighed and she went to tell Lila.

(Leah's P.O.V.)

After visiting my Dad, I headed home hoping to get my mind off of everything as I turned on some music, I sat down at my desk, and as I stared at the necklace Riker had gotten for me last year on my Birthday, suddenly, inspiration had struck. I found myself creating design after design, all inspired by my relationship with Riker, in fact, by the time I finished- I had a total of twenty five designs, way over what they had asked for the first time.

(Riker's P.O.V.)

I smiled as I read over Leah's text about how she finished the designs, but that she was heading to the dance studio to practice and that she wouldn't be home until late, and that's when I suddenly realized exactly what I had to do.

"Rydel!" I called her name heading into the kitchen as she and Lila sat at the table eating cookies from the batch they had made.

"What's up?" She asked as I stole a cookie off her plate.

"I need your help. Leah is going to the studio to work on this week's dance, alone. She's so worried she won't get it down in time and she'll mess up on stage again."

"Oh my gosh- we can't let her rehearse on her own- no way, no how." She stood up and I grinned.

"I thought you'd say that."

"Come on- let's call the others. Lila, Rocky can drop you off later at the apartment. Riker, you and I, have some dancing to do." We both nodded at each other before calling everyone else into the room and explaining the plan. No one argued as we walked out and I smiled before pulling out of the driveway.

(Leah's P.O.V.)

The dance studio lot was vacant as I pulled in, I took a deep breath entering and heading to my main dance room- I turned on the music as I started practicing, immediately I screwed up the first move- I sighed and went back repeating the steps. After about five more times, I stopped, closed my eyes before trying again- this time I slipped falling to the floor, in tears. I couldn't do this anymore, it was all too much. I had failed- I would just have to cut myself from the finale and find Riker another dance partner.

(Riker's P.O.V.)

I watched as she sat on the floor crying, I gulped entering with the others behind me and approached her.

"Princess?" She looked up at me as I crouched down in front of her.

"Riker," She sobbed, "I can't do this anymore." she bit her lip before she clenched her eyes shut sobbing, I sat down pulling her to me and into my arms as she cried- I looked up at the others who stood watching, tears falling down my face.

"You can do this princess, you know you can do this."

"No. No, I can't." She shook her head still crying as she put her face in my chest and my heart shattered. Why couldn't she believe in herself as much as I believed in her.

"Princess," I pulled away as she looked up at me- I glanced at the others before I got up and reached my hand out for her to take, and I pulled her up, "Turn around." she didn't argue as she turned to face the mirror, "Look at you, what do you see?"

"The broken girl who gave up." She shrugged as though it was no big deal- I shook my head, "That's not what I see, do you want to know what I see?" I asked leaning down to talk into her ear, she nodded, "I see a beautiful brilliant girl who's not afraid of failing. Leah, when you were trying to buy this place, did you give up because you didn't have the money?" She shook her head, "No, you got a job and worked to pay for it- without accepting your friends charity money. Leah you bought this place on your own- you graduated college on your own- without anyone's help you graduated with all honors, a year early, and a year ahead in math. Now look at you, you started a business, a very successful business. Princess, you look fear in the face and you... DO, NOT, GIVE, UP! I am so proud of you because of this, so don't you EVER tell me that you are giving up- because I will not accept that, and nobody else will. Promise me you're not going to give up."

She looked at me before she smiled, "I promise. I'm not going to give up!" Everyone cheered as I wrapped my arms around her waist and she leaned up as I kissed her softly, "That's my girl." I smiled pulling away.

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