My Worst Nightmare (Chapter 27)

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'I walked in with the pizzas and handed them to Liam to go put in the green room, then I set off to find everyone.

"What's wrong?" I overheard Riker ask- and I noticed it was Savannah and him up on the stage. He was holding her chin and looking into her eyes.

"When are you going to tell Leah about us?" Savannah asked. 'About them? Wait, what?' My mind scrambled for an answer.

"When the trip is over, I just don't want to see her hurt. She's been through so much already." He sighed.

"What? Hurt? What's he talking about?" I whispered.

"Yeah but we almost kissed doesn't it mean anything to you?" She said getting defensive. 'ALMOST KISSED!?!' My mind screamed.

"Of course baby. You know it does." He smiled and pecked her lips- I stood frozen in place, then I started hearing the others coming this way, I turned around quickly and ran as they yelled my name.

"You knew and you didn't tell me?" I asked stopping to turn around- they looked at one another nervously.

"That's what I thought." I scoffed and ran off. I raced back to the hotel and luckily all of my stuff was packed- so I quickly got online and got myself a ticket for a flight home- I wasn't waiting on anybody. I quickly grabbed my bags and raced out the door- but just as I made it to the lobby I became face to face with them all.

"Leah..." Riker tried.

"Don't. I'm done. I'm finished. How could you do this to me after everything we've been through? I thought you loved me- but I guess I was wrong, I knew a big star like you could never love me for real." I shook my head in disgust surprised I wasn't already crying...'

'I sat up, remembering I had spent the night at the band house with Rydel for a sleepover- I yawned and headed downstairs for a glass of water- but froze seeing Savananh and Riker sitting in the kitchen, "I love you Vanni." He leaned in kissing her.

"I love you too Riker- but when are you going to tell Leah about us?"

"Not yet. Soon, I promise. I have something for you." He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a box- he got down on one knee looking up at her and my heart shattered as he asked her, "Savannah Latimer, will you marry, princess?"

I gasped as the tears fell down my face, "No." I shook my head backing away. How could he? How could he call her that? She's not his princess, I'm his princess. No, I was his princess...'

'I pull up to the band house, and look at myself in the mirror, I smile down at my favorite yellow sundress and step out of the car, approaching the door, I let myself in, knowing Riker's expecting me, "Hello?" I call out, I look in the kitchen, and the backyard wondering where everyone was, "Where could they be?" I hear something from upstairs and assume he's in his room waiting on me, I head up the stairs, and knock on his door, with no answer, I open it, and gasp at what's before me, Savannah and Riker making out as they sit on his bed.

"R-Riker?" I whisper out as I walk closer, my heart shattering. He doesn't reply, but pulls away looking into Savannah's eyes, the way he always looks at me before saying, "I love you Vanni." and he kisses her again, then he gets down and kisses her pregnant belly- and that's when I realize, he'd chosen her over me. After all this I thought he wanted me- but no he'd married her. He chose her. He wanted... her.

"I HATE YOU!!!" I screamed towards him, falling to the ground, my uncontrollable sobs fill the emptiness, as everything goes numb...'

"NO! RIKER!" I screamed as I gasped waking up, I screamed out again crying harder than I've ever cried in my entire life. I was so afraid of losing him- I couldn't, I just couldn't.


"Call. Liam." I could hardly get out the words and she quickly dialed his number.

(Liam's P.O.V.)

"Molly? Is everything alright?" I asked shooting up in bed.

"No. It's Leah. Get here, fast." She hung up before I could ask anything else.

"Liam?" Allie mumbled, I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"It's May, just go back to sleep baby. I'll call you later okay?" She nodded drifting off into a deep sleep- I quickly and quietly got up getting changed and headed out the door.

"Hey- what happened?" I asked as Molly answered the door, she immediately let me through.

"She had another nightmare, but when she woke up, the only thing she wanted was you."

"Then this has to be bad. It's two hours past her usually schedule of waking me up- this was something big. Where is she now?"

"She fell asleep again upstairs- in fact, she cried herself to sleep."

"NO!" We heard her scream from upstairs and we both ran up the stairs.

"May! May, I'm here." I went to her as she sat on the bed in tears, I just went over and held her as she cried, her face in her hands.

"Molly, call Sophie and David. This one is bad- I've never seen her like this." She nodded and left the room.


I came from upstairs after she fell back asleep again for the eighth time tonight, we had all taken turns going up and everyone was worried absolutely sick about her.

"I have never seen her like this." David stated handing me a cup of coffee.

"David is right, okay? This is the worst I have ever seen her. She's never been this bad. Even I don't know what to do this time." I replied defeated as I sighed.

"Don't beat yourself up Liam- there's nothing you can do about it."

"Yes- I could have made sure she told him."

"You could have never of been able to force her to do that." Molly replied honestly.

"You're right Molly- May's too stubborn to tell him. But that's what scares me the most." I sighed looking towards the stairs.

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