That Little Crush. (Chapter 6)

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(Leah's P.O.V.)

I slipped into my my mint green dress, remembering it from my first day of college.

"I love your dress, Leah!" Jane exclaimed, while slipping into her lacy white sundress, just going slightly past her knees.

"Thanks, you know after today, you can have it, if you want."

"Oh no, I couldn't." She shook her head.

"Jane, I insist." The other girls nodded in agreement.

"Oh, well thank you!"

"You're welcome." I grinned as I see Talia staring at her reflection, dressed in her lavender sundress, hitting just above her knees, the dress complementing her hair perfectly. I look over to find Sophie in a beautiful red sundress, flowing down to her ankles.

"Everyone ready? We're supposed to meet the other girls in the dining area." Sophie commented, as I check my phone.

"They're here, Piper just texted me." I explained as we walked out, heading to the lunch room.

"Hey guys!" They stood to greet us and we all exchanged hugs.

"So Leah, how's owning your own dance studio going?" Clara asked once we'd ordered our food.

"Really well, I'm loving it. Our first show is at the end of the month, and you're all invited!" I gushed.

"Are you and Riker still going strong?" Piper asked me, making me smile, she was so happy, she was glowing.

"Yes, he and I are doing great. I'm so glad to have him in my life."

"So, I have news... Alex and I are married! We eloped!" Kimberly spoke up, before showing us her rose gold tear drop wedding ring, all of us gushing over it, squealing.

"When did it happen?" Ruby questioned grinning.

"Three weeks ago. It was so romantic." She sighed contently- the waiter came back bringing us our food, and after lunch, we headed to the pool.

"Hey, Leah can we talk?" Talia asked sitting up from her lawn chair.

"Yeah sure, what's on your mind?" I sat up myself as I noticed the other girls had gotten into the pool.

"It's about Hunter." She bit her lip nervously, making me gasp.

"You like him!" I exclaimed quietly, making her giggle but nod, "You never giggle like that, you REALLY like him."

"I just don't what to do, I want to ask him out, I just don't know how."

"Well, why don't you try asking him to take a walk with you, next time we're all together. We're seeing them tonight. Ask him out then."

"That's a really good idea. Thanks Leah." She told me before going to get in the pool herself.

"Hey, Leah- I could use some advice, and I can not talk to my brother about this." I turned around to find Jane sitting there.

"What's it about?"

"Will, I like him, a lot. He asked me if I wanted to go with him to see a movie before we have to head back, and I told him yes- but I'm afraid of what my brother will say."

"Jane, calm down. You're brother already knows Will, and they're good friends. Why don't you set up a double date with Peter and Sophie?"

"Huh, great idea- but how am I going to tell him about Will."

"Pull him aside later and tell him what's going on, I'm sure he'll understand." She nodded agreeing.

(Riker's P.O.V.)

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