What's She Hiding? (Chapter 28)

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(Leah's P.O.V.)

I groaned sitting up- the massive headache hitting me, "Here May." I looked to see my brother coming in with a glass of orange juice and some pills.

"Thanks." I offered a smile- knowing he wanted to talk about last night as he sighed sitting down at the edge of the bed.

"Look Liam-"

"I've already talked with everyone and you're not going in today. I told them you were too sick, they all understood. Why don't you go take a shower- then we'll talk. Okay?" I pursed my lips but nodded frowning in confusion, "I love you May." He whispered before he left the room. I sat up with a sigh, I loved my brother, so much and this wasn't fair to him. I emerged from the bed deciding that I'd take his advice, I headed for the bathroom- that's when I heard there voices coming from downstairs.

"Guys- I am so worried about her." That was Liam's voice, laced with concern.

"Yeah but what are we going to do about it?" David asked as I heard him sigh.

"We have to let her come to us. She won't hold it on us this time." Sophie encouraged, and she was right- I wasn't going to hold out on them anymore. I would tell them, everything. I turned away going to take my shower.


I sat there waiting for there response after I had told them everything, every dream- every fear, and every time I broke down over it all.

"May- this is worse than I thought." Liam had tears in his eyes as he gulped.

"Liam. Don't do this." I warned him placing my hand on top of his.

"No. May- you know this is bad."

"Liam." David reached over touching his shoulder, and Liam sighed, "I'm just worried about you May- that's all."

"I know you are Liam." I offered him a weak smile reaching for his hand sliding it in his, and he kissed my forehead.

"So, when are you going to tell him Leah?" Molly spoke up as I stared down at my lap.


My head shot up as I looked at them all, "Soon. Okay? But I still have to wait a little while longer, please guys?" I pleaded desperately the tears falling down mine and Liam's face.

"Okay, L. Whatever you want." David smiled nodding.

"I'm with you Leah May." Sophie leaned her head on my shoulder in support.

"Of course Leah- I get it." Molly agreed encouragingly.

Then we all looked at my brother, he sighed before replying, "But May-"

"Liam, please." I begged, as he gulped, "Fine, May. Is that what you want to hear?"

"Thank you Liam. I know you don't understand why- but thank you everyone." I smiled at them all even though I knew my brother was furious with me about my decision. My phone buzzed as well stared at it, I sighed picking it up, it was Riker, I knew I had to answer eventually, but I just wasn't ready yet- so I sent it to voicemail for probably the tenth time today. I just couldn't face him yet.

(Riker's P.O.V.)

I sighed hanging up the phone, Leah hadn't taken a single one of my calls today and I was getting worried. Considering none of our main people came into work today- I couldn't understand why, what wasn't she telling me? I sighed shaking my head and heading inside the dance studio after a late lunch.

"Savannah." I froze walking in the doors- there she stood waiting, hoping, "What are you doing here?" I finally asked as we walked towards each other and I pulled her aside looking around to make sure people weren't watching us- this was the last thing I needed today.

"Have you read it yet?"

"Not yet Vanni- I haven't had a chance to, okay?"

"Savannah?" We both looked up to see Rocky standing there- she waved awkwardly, "Hi Rocky."

"What are you doing here?"

She looked back at me, "Call me when you've read it." She told me before she turned and walked out.

"Dude, what was that about?"

"None of your business." I walked over to the counter not looking at him as I started doing work.

"Okay- that's it! You have been ignoring me all day long! Why?!" I looked directly at him and his rage.

"Because you didn't tell me you almost kissed her- that's why. What did you think she just wasn't going to tell me? She's not an idiot Rocky- and neither am I." I walked away not giving him a chance to respond.

(Rocky's P.O.V.)

I stood there feeling as though I had just been slapped in the face. What have I done? I screwed up, big time. But how could I fix this? Would he ever forgive me?

"Hey- you okay?" I turned around to find Rydel standing there.

"Not really. You were right Riker hates me." I gulped back the tears.

"He doesn't hate you Rocky, he's still your brother. He'll forgive you, in time. I promise."

"No- I didn't think he will this time. I screwed up, big time."

"Rocky, you're still brothers, always. That will never change, it couldn't have been that bad."

"I almost kissed Leah- she pulled away from me. She told Riker and now he hates me."

"Oh Rocky, how could you?" She gasped, frowning, she was stunned.

"I know. I know I really screwed up Rydel- I don't know how to fix it."

"We'll figure something out, okay? He doesn't hate you."


(Riker's P.O.V.)

I sat there in my car, staring at the church building- the lights were still on and it was late. I sighed and finally flipped off the engine, getting out.

"Ah. Riker, anything you want to talk about?" James looked up at me, taking off his glasses.

"Actually yeah, a lot of things, actually."

"Well have a seat." He motioned to the chairs and I sat down on the back row as he came over to join me.

"So, why are you here?"

"It's Leah. She's hiding something and she won't tell me what's going on. I'm getting really worried. Today, Leah, Liam, David, Sophie, and Molly all took the day off. They all said something came up and that they couldn't make it and I heard Leah was sick- but somehow I KNOW that's not the case. And I am just so worried about her. I cannot lose her James. I just can't." I broke down, the tears falling, I was so afraid of losing the love of my life.

"Riker, all I can tell you is to pray- and when she is ready, she will come to you."

"But I don't know if I can wait that long."

"You're going to have to son, you can't make her tell you. I know it's hard- but she simply doesn't feel that she is ready to tell you just yet."

"I wish- I wish things weren't the way they were. I wish she would just be open and honest with me."

"That's what we all wish, but trust me- praying, it's the best advice I can give you."

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