I'll Be Your Strength Now (Chapter 19)

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(Leah's P.O.V.)

I couldn't sleep. I couldn't focus. Knowing he was even in town had me completely on edge. It was the fact that he knew where to find me, and that he could show up here at anytime. I was so scared, scared he was going to show up and destroy my life, screw it all up. Everything.

"Hey, you ready?" I jumped at Riker's voice as he walked from backstage.

"Yeah." I breathed, "Let's run through this." I offered a weak smile, he nodded getting into position. We had hardly spoken about Gavin, he'd asked but just about who he was. I was honest and admitted we had dated- and that we had a rough past together, also adding, that things had ended badly- but I hadn't gone into anymore details and frankly, I was glad. Glad that Riker hadn't pushed me to tell him more, I could tell he wanted to ask me, but he respected the fact that I just wasn't ready to talk about it yet. I'd had a bumpy past with relationships in my life and I had expected something like this to come up eventually, just not with Gavin being the person to show up. Why did it have to be him? I hated that guy, I hated what I'd almost become because of him, and that hurt. But I brushed it off and got into position giving Liam the signal as he started the song, 'Write Your Name' by Selena Gomez.


(Riker's P.O.V.)

I watched her as she stood at the counter working on the computer, she still hadn't told me anything- or at least, the details. And I had chosen to not push her, so I backed off, waiting until she was ready, but I was so anxious to know what had happened... would she ever tell me?

'I just want to know what's going on in that head of yours.' I thought to myself, I ran a hand through my hair before I turned and walked away, I wasn't sure exactly how much more of this I could take- how much more I could handle her hiding this from me.

(Leah's P.O.V.)

I looked over to see Riker walking away, I gulped and looked away, I had felt his eyes on me- he was so eager to know, and I was so afraid to tell him, but I knew I had to. Soon.

"Leah? This came for you." Ruby said handing me an envelope. I frowned and opened it once she walked away- it was a picture, of both Gavin and I, we were standing out in the rain, it had been after he'd slept with Daisy. There was a note with it, 'A reporter came and found me after discovering that I knew you- I told her about us, and it's in an article on their website, I emailed you the link. Hope your boyfriend doesn't mind. See you around, Anderson. ~ Gavin'. I quickly got on the computer looking at my email, I opened his clicking the link, I started reading, and I realized this revealed just about everything I had gone through with Gavin- he had even mentioned my humiliating nickname, 'Little Virginity Leah May'. I immediately broke down in tears, I couldn't believe he had done this to me.

(Riker's P.O.V.)

I sat on stage working on some music with the boys as my phone buzzed, and I saw it was an article about Leah, I opened it, frowning as I read it- I suddenly realized it was about Leah's relationship with Gavin.

"Oh my gosh." I immediately got up and started running ignoring the boys calling my name, "Where's Leah?" I asked stopping on the stairs as I passed David.

"In the front, why?"

"Come on." He didn't hesitate to follow me, we both ran and as I rounded the corner I saw her standing there silently crying with her hand over her mouth, and she looked at me- I went over to her taking her in my arms, she didn't fight me, she just cried in my arms as I led her out of the way.

"May? What happened?" Liam saw us as I motioned to one of the private dance room doors, he opened it as I led her inside, "I don't get it. What happened?"

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