Everyone Knows. (Chapter 44)

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(Leah's P.O.V.)

Riker spun me out and back into his arms, practicing our dance for this month, just as my phone went off and I rushed to answer it seeing it was George.


"Annie's having her baby! Meet us at the hospital!" He yelled before hanging up as I looked towards Riker, "The baby's coming- we gotta go!" He nodded taking out his keys, luckily all employees were working today so we took Sophie, Liam, Allie, and David with us to the hospital. Once we got the information it was just a matter of waiting, everyone was excited and soon even my parents had arrived and her Mother who was in the room helping to deliver the baby.


"You're going to be an aunt May, can you believe it?" Liam asked as I shook my head laughing, it was true, I would be.

"Speaking of which- Leah we've been thinking and we were just wondering if maybe you wanted to be Jamie's Godmother?" Allie asked as I gasped looking down at her son who was currently playing with Lila.

"I would be honored, thank you so much!" I gushed getting up and hugging them each.

"Lila, how does being an aunt to Jamie here sound?" We all looked towards my sister as Allie asked the question, and Lila nodded eagerly, "I would love to!"

(Riker's P.O.V.)

I watched Leah as she bent down next to Jamie running her hands through his hair, then kissing his head softly, and I knew Leah would make a great Mom some day.

"Does anyone want to see our daughter?" We all looked up to see George standing there grinning, and we stood, we all headed that way and we let Leah's parents go in first with Lila and then her brother, Allie and Jamie went in, and then Leah and I went in.

"Oh she's so beautiful guys."

"Thank you. Tyra meet your Godmother, Leah." Leah looked at them stunned as they both nodded and she handed her to Leah. The beautiful baby held onto her finger as she smiled down at the beautiful girl, "Hi precious. I can't believe you're here." I wrapped my arms around Leah's waist smiling down at the child, "She's beautiful."


Rocky and I walked all talking about different parts of the wedding that's been on everyone's minds since we set a date. While Leah and everyone else was with the baby or had headed home for the day we'd decided to get out and do something considering we never get the chance to.

We walked into 'DQ' and ordered our food before grabbing a table, "So, is Leah still having the nightmares?"

"No. Every day I ask and she reassures me that everything is fine and that she hasn't had one since Savannah left again."

"I still can't believe she had nightmares about you leaving her for Savannah, did she seriously not trust you enough? I mean how come she never told you?"

"It's complicated Rocky- Leah never said anything because she didn't want to come off as the crazy jealous girlfriend, when she's the exact opposite. Leah's not like that, and it wasn't fair she had to go through any of that."

"I know, you're right, she didn't deserve it. And what about the articles and comments online, is she still reading them?"

"Occasionally, I'll catch her looking at something- but since telling me about everything she hasn't been getting upset over them as much- and if she is she tells me, right away, and we talk about it and then fix the problem."

"You know I'm really happy for the two of you, right? I mean just because I said that about Leah- you-"

"Rocky, I know." I nodded chuckling at his rambling.

"You should still know that I've moved on, okay? I don't have any feeling for her anymore. I just want you to know that I'm glad you're happy with her."

"I know me too."

(Leah's P.O.V.)

Finally after Annie and George left the hospital I headed to the band house to watch a movie with Riker and the others, but I could tell something was wrong when Ratliff answered the door and I heard yelling coming from the kitchen.

"SO NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?!" Ross screamed, as I approached carefully.

"I DON'T KNOW OKAY?! I- I just can't lose her!" Riker broke down just as Ross and the others spotted me.

"Leah... I- I-" Ross stuttered but I cut him off, "What's going on?" I looked at Riker who stared at me, he'd been crying and he looked as though he was about to break again.

"Princess," He came to me and gulped as I searched his eyes, he took my hand looking down and I reached out to touch his face, his eyes met mine, "P- princess-"

"What is it baby?" I asked starting to get scared, "R- Rocky and I were just talking at lunch today- a- and, well, apparently-"

"Just see for yourself." Ross shoved a phone at me as I let go of Riker picking it up, "W- wait, what? Th- this talks a- all about m- my-"

"Nightmares. I know." Riker answered leaning against the counter, he wouldn't look at me.

"H- how did this happen? How could have let this happen?!"

"I don't know, ask them!" Ross motioned to Rocky and Riker, and that's when I spotted Rocky over by the glass door sitting there staring out, I approached him carefully, "Rocky?"

"Don't. I screwed up. I know. I'm sorry." He got up only looking me in the face for a second before walking out.

"Oh no." Our heads shot to Rydel as she handed the phone to Riker, and he dropped it onto the counter, "DANG IT!"

"What is it?" My voice was soft as I went over and picked it up- there was article after article about it, thousands of comments, awful.

"I- I think I'm just going to head home." Just as I turned to leave, Riker stopped me and pulled me to him as I cried into his chest.

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