Chapter 1

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   Cool morning air hits my skin as Makkachin runs alongside me. I smile as I watch him trot through the familiar streets, instinctually heading towards our favorite walking place. My heart is beating composedly in my chest as my life seems to fall completely into place. The stone streets turn to sand as the roar of the ocean and scream of the gulls pierce the air. Makkachin races out onto the beach, his tail wagging a mile a minute as he barks with delight. It feels like it has been a small eternity since I have last been home.

   My eyes slide shut as I stand in place listening to the sounds of the gulls and the water crashing against the sand like two distanced lovers. I can't help but smile as I think back to the sleeping beauty I left behind in my bed this morning. Makkachin runs up to me and jumps at my legs. I roughly pet his head before throwing a stick and watching him chase after it. Already it has been a week since Yuri has come to live with me in Saint Petersburg. Words fall short in describing the emotions that I wish to express in this moment. I pull my phone out of my pocket and glance at the time, the digital clock reads eight thirty five in the morning. Sleeping beauty is going to have to wake up eventually. 

   I allow Makkachin to enjoy his morning walk for a little while longer before calling him back to my side and heading back home. It isn't long before we are walking back up the stairs to our apartment and Makkachin is running through the now unlocked door. I pat Makkachin's head before walking back to the room that Yuri and I have been sharing. From the doorway I can see a tuft of raven hair peeking out from beneath the comforter. I smile as I quietly walk over to the bed and gently lie myself beside him. My eyes are mystified by his peaceful expression as he sleeps. I can't help but gently run my fingers over his face, feeling his soft skin. His nose crinkles slightly from my touch and his eyes begin to twitch. 

   "It's time to wake up Yuri." I whisper.

   "Five more minutes." He grumbles through heavy lips. 

   "I can't allow that." I murmur before planting gentle kisses on his eyes and nose. "It's time for you to face the day." 

   "Fine." He grumbles before I kiss his lips gently. I smile as he peeks at me with sleepy eyes. 

   "Good morning." I murmur softly. Yuri nestles into me sighing deeply. I wrap my arms around his tightly holding this precious person closer to me. 

   "You smell like the ocean." He murmurs. 

   "Makkachin and I went for a walk." 

   "Did you have a good walk?" He asks with a yawn as he tangles his fingers into my hair. I don't know how I was fortunate enough to win this man's heart but God help me to keep it forever. "You smell like the ocean." 

   "I had as good a walk as I can without you with me. Did you miss me?" My heart pounds in my chest as his fingers grip into my hair tightly, pulling me closer. His breath warming my skin and making me feel almost feverish. It's incredible just how much of an effect he has on me when he is barely even awake enough to realize just what he is doing to me. 

   "Of course I missed you." He replies softly, his voice slightly more alert than it had been before. "I'm glad you're home." 

   "I'm glad to be home." I whisper as I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him flush against me. "My sleeping beauty was waiting for me, it feels just like a fairytale." I can feel the heat of his face against my neck as he blushes brightly. I pull back slightly and pull him into a sitting position, Yuri groggily follows me. His eyes watch me with slight wariness but he offers no resistance.

   "Why do I have to be awake so early?" He yawns. "I already met everyone at your rink and we trained really hard yesterday." I smile at his attempts to persuade me to allow him to go back to sleep. 

   "Unfortunately, you can't sleep the whole day away." I tease as I cradle his chin in my hand. "You would be missing out on so much." He blushes as I gently press my lips against his. I sigh softly in happiness as his lips instinctually dance along with mine. Every time I feel his lips on mine shivers race through my system and I can't help but want to touch him. My hand slides to the back of his neck, bringing him closer to me and I can't help but want to pull him back onto the bed with me. Yuri parts slowly, his eyes clouded over with so many emotions that I can't help but blush at the sight of it.

   "Are you going to wake me up like that everyday?" He asks softly. 

   "Would you like me to?" I ask teasingly as I plant another kiss on his lips. 

   "Sometimes." He mumbles after a moments hesitation. "Only on special occasions." I smile as I run a gentle thumb across his cheek. "I don't think I would be able to manage if that was every morning." 

   "Hmm." I fight to bite back my laugh but I still chuckle. Yuri stares at me with a slight frown but it quickly melts away as I wrap my arms around his waist. "So, Yuri, what would you like to do today?"

   "Whatever you have planned." He whispers as he rests his head on my shoulder. I smirk slightly at his response. 

   "Anything I have planned?"

   "Within reason." he grumbles. I chuckle as I slide him off of the bed bringing him with me. He follows me with begrudging feet but his hand holds onto mine tightly as we walk out into the living room. 

   "All I want to do is spend time with you." I whisper into his neck as I pull him close to me. He shivers against me and I can't help but smirk as I plant a gentle kiss on his vulnerable skin. "Uninterrupted." 

   "V-Victor." He breathes softly, his fingers clinging onto me tightly. "It's so early for this." 

   "It's never too early for kisses." I murmur as I part from him teasingly and go to sit on the couch. Yuri stares at me for a moment confusedly before following after me and sitting by my feet. I raise an amused eyebrow at him as he fidgets at the far end of the couch. "Yuri." I call teasingly. He looks at me with a small blush and I beckon for him to come closer. His face glows a bright red as he slowly inches forward slightly. I continue to beckon for him to come closer. With every small movement he comes closer into range. He scoots a little closer and I wrap my arms around him and pull him into me. 

   Yuri squeaks in surprise as I pull him on top of me before rolling him onto his side, his back pressed against the back of the couch. He blushes as he stares at me in stunned confusion. I gently brush my nose against his and he closes his eyes in faint embarrassment a gentle breath escaping him as he revels in my touch. This is everything that I had dreamed of. I can't believe that he is actually here. 

   "This is what you wanted to do?" Yuri mumbles softly.

   "One of the many." I reply calmly. "We can't do everything that I want to do in one day, there isn't enough time for that." 

   "You're ridiculous." Yuri mumbles as he wraps his arms around my chest.

   "Yet you still love me." 

   "Mmm hmm." Yuri hums as he snuggles closer to me, his face getting buried in my shirt. I run my fingers through his hair as Makkachin lies down in the kitchen. So many nights I had dreamt of what it would be like to have Yuri here in Russia with me and now that he is here I a feel overwhelmed with joy. I nestle my face into his hair. His presence here outweighs any dream or fantasy my subconscious could ever conjure. Having Yuri here with me every single day is like I am living in an eternal fantasy, an eternal illusion that I willing swim in and allow it to swallow me.

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