Chapter 28

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   "Are you just going to watch me?" Yuri asks with a laugh as he holds another shirt neatly and places it into the confines of his suitcase. I say nothing as I remind in the doorway, my body leaning against the frame as I watch in silence. Yuri has to go to Barcelona to be able to qualify for this year's Grand Prix and I understand that. I wouldn't dare to stand in the way of him achieving what he has been working so hard for. That would just be too cruel after these past two years of almost constant spartan training. Whatever happens when he is in Spain will happen due to his hard work and determination. He is going to be incredible. I only wish that I could be there to see it. "You know it can't possibly be that entertaining to watch me pack." 

   "Truth be told, it really isn't." 

   "He speaks." Yuri teases. "I was worried for a second there." 

   "About what? Never being able to hear my voice again?"

   "More accurately I was worried you were having a stroke or something," he glances over his shoulder at me. "That is the longest you have ever been quiet." My eyes narrow as he grins at me. Maybe I won't miss him after all. He chuckles at my expression before turning back to his packing and I can't help but smile too. I'm going to miss him like hell. I scan over the contents of his suitcase quickly and see an assortment of long sleeve shirts and sweaters with jeans. I laugh quietly it would seem that Yuri is especially prepared for the cold weather that is sure to greet him in Barcelona. "What's so funny?" 

   "Nothing, you just have so many sweaters in that suitcase." 

   "Well, it's going to be cold there too you know." He murmurs defensively. 

   "Do you think you'll be warm enough?" Yuri glances back at me briefly before looking back at his packed clothing with a bit of uncertainty. I smile as I wait patiently for his response.

   "I...I should be. I think." He murmurs after a moment's hesitation. I chuckle at his response and he looks back over at me confusedly. "Now why are you laughing?" 

   "Just wait here, I have something that can solve your problem." I chuckle as I leave the room. Yuri's feet quickly pad across the floor until he is peeking out the doorway of the bedroom and looking at me curiously. "Hey, no peeking." 

   "What do you mean something that is going to help?" he asks confusedly, completely ignoring what I just said. "I mean, I already packed a bunch of sweaters and everything I don't really think I will need much else to stay warm. Also, I will only be away for a few days so I just have to survive until then, right?" 

   "Yuri, you're babbling." He blushes as he realizes the truth of my words. 


   "Shhh," I walk back towards him and place a comforting hand atop his head. "No more words, ok?" Yuri looks up at me confusedly but nods slowly after a moment. "Go back and pack, I'll be right back." He frowns deeply before walking back into the bedroom with a pout. I bite the inside of my lip to stop from chuckling at his adorable expression as I peek back into the room at him for a moment before. He really is too cute for his own good. I pull the door shut behind me and linger for a moment listening for the sound of curious feet wandering towards the door to peek. There is no sound. I smile at his obedience.

   My feet carry me quickly towards the closet that is just down the hall from our bedroom. I pull open the door and scan through the contents of the closet quickly and grab what it is that I need. The fabric is soft in my hands as I inspect for any tears or flaws in the fabric. Satisfied with the quality that I find I head back towards the bedroom. I pull open the door and Yuri is sitting on the bed with his phone in his hands. I smile at his cute stature and he glances up at me as he hears me enter the room. 

   His eyes widen in surprise as I hold up my surprise for him to see clearly. He rises from the bed and walks quickly over to me, his fingers running over the white and red fabric with hesitation. I grab onto his hand and pass the fabric into his hand and he looks up at me with a strange glow in his eyes. 

   "Why are you giving this to me?" 

   "Because I want you to stay warm." I tease as I gently tap the tip of his nose causing his eyes to close from the brief touch. 

   "What is the real reason?" He murmurs as he admires the pristine white and red fabric of my jacket. "You love this jacket."

   "I do, and I love you." I push against his shoulder playfully. "Well, don't just stand there, put it on." Yuri pulls the jacket on over his frame and I am not at all surprised by how good it looks on him. The jacket hugs his body like a second skin and I feel the strangest feeling of pride and possessiveness. The longer I look at him wearing my jacket the more it feels like he is wearing a brand with my  name on it, screaming who he belongs to. I rather like this feeling. 

   "Thank you." He whispers. 

   "I want to be there." 

   "What are you talking about?" 

   "I want to be there when you perform in Barcelona." Yuri's expression turns sad and I wrap my arms around him. "But since I can't do that at least a piece of me will be there with you." 

   "So that's the reason." He mutters into my chest. 

   "One of the many." I confess. "I do want you to use it to keep you warm, imagine that when you're wearing it that it's me hugging you that is keeping you warm. In a way my love is warming you." He blushes at my words and holds onto me tightly, his fingers digging deeply into the fabric of my shirt. 

   "Why are you so cheesy?" 

   "I would prefer to think of it as romantically profound." I tease. 

   "You're something profound." He mutters as he buries his face into my shirt. "I love you." 

   "I love you too." I hold him tightly for a moment longer. "Make me proud."

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