Chapter 25

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   The air is cold and harsh on my skin as I walk through the dark winter night. Yuri had been too exhausted to join me, due to our increasing the intensity in his warmup routines. He had told me to have a good walk and that he'll probably be fast asleep when I come back. If only he knew that it was intention to exhaust him. I am sure that would lead to another bout of intense arguing and that is not something that I wish to have to experience again quite so soon. We had finally returned to a state of peace and stability in our relationship and our home life. That isn't quite something that I wish to disrupt.

   Flecks of snow begin to fall from the dark sky and illuminate themselves underneath the blue light of the streetlights. There are few cars out on the road and even fewer people out on the streets. The moon has taken its rightful place on its throne in the night sky. It was on a night just like this that I had abandoned all of my responsibilities in Russia and all of the people who had sacrificed their time and lives to get me as far as I am, just so I could be with Yuri. My innocent and painfully oblivious Yuri. I wonder how long it would really have taken him to figure out my true intentions of coming to Japan if I had actually attempted at being subtle. Something tells me that he never would have figured it out on his own. A small grin crosses my lips as my shoes crunch against the thin layer of ice and freshly fallen snow. 

   My cellphone begins to buzz in my pocket and I say nothing as I pull it out. The number is familiar but I haven't had to reach out to them for quite sometime, until earlier today. It would seem that he had received my email this morning. I hit the call answer button and am instantly pummeled in a wave of nostalgia at the sound of his voice. 

   "Hello?" That light tenor voice strikes a chord hard and deep within my mind. I think I would be able to recognize his voice anywhere, no matter how long it has been.

   "Hi, thanks for getting back to me." 

   "Sorry about the wait." He says with a faint laugh, he almost sounds sheepish. "I was really busy, you know. Lots of things to do."

   "I'm sure." I murmur.

   "Seems that you are just as impatient as ever." He laughs heartily. "I remember that you used to call me every single day asking me questions or making demands."

   "Well, that isn't going to happen this time around." 

   "Oh?" He inquires, a note of teasing in his voice. "And what exactly makes this situation any different than it had been in the past?" 

   "That really isn't any of your business." 

   "Is everything alright?" He asks concernedly. "You are acting strange. Makkachin is doing well, right?" 

   "Makkachin is fine." I answer with a sigh. "I'm beginning to think that you didn't even read the email that I sent you." 

   "Why do you say that?" He inquires innocently.

   "Because we aren't discussing what I emailed you about! You haven't even mentioned it once." There is a pause on the other side of the line and for a brief second I think that he hung up on me. 

   "I did read your email." He replies blandly. "I was merely trying to have a conversation with someone who has been neglecting to keep in touch with me after so many years." A twinge of guilt begins to grow in my chest until I feel the strict and desperate need to apologize. 

   "I'm sorry. Life has been busy and I've-"  He laughs and I halt in my apology. 

   "I know that your life is busy Victor."  He chuckles. "I've been watching your performances, unfortunately I couldn't seem to find you last year." 

   "Yeah, I took some time off." 

   "Did a little coaching?" He asks teasingly, probing for information. 

   "Marco that isn't what I want to talk to you about right now." 

   "Ok, didn't really want to talk about it either." He replies aloofly, a blatant lie that he is poorly concealing. "So when can I expect you to be able to meet up with me?"

   "I don't know when will you be around?"

   "In Saint Petersburg?" He murmurs in thought. "I think I should be out there in about two weeks." 

   Two weeks? What is happening in my life in two weeks? My mind is scouring through my mental calendar, searching for any conflicting appointments and competitions. There isn't a single complication.

   "That should be fine for me." 

   "Perfect." He replies cheerfully. "Then everything should be all set." 

   "Thank you, Marco. I really appreciate it."

   "Not a problem Victor." He chuckles. "See you in two weeks." 

   "See you in two weeks." The line goes dead and I slide my cellphone back into my pocket. My phone weighs me down like an anchor from my pocket as my mind once again goes through my mental calendar. Why do I feel like I am forgetting something? I reach into my pocket again and pull out my phone, accessing the calendar that I keep there. 

   My eyes skim over the dates that I don't need anymore and come to rest on the dates of the week that I need. Yuri is leaving to go to Barcelona on Thursday that week. My chest tightens at the thought of him leaving me again. I remember how bad it had been the last time that I was forced to be without him and now it is his turn to leave without me. Perhaps this time won't be so severe since I will be in familiar territory with more familiar faces surrounding me.

   I reach the end of the street and shift my direction so I am heading back towards home. The street seems to pull me quickly back home. It felt like only a few heartbeats had passed when I had changed direction and now here I am, standing before the door that leads into our apartment. I smile as I unlock the door and quietly open the door. The apartment is dark and silent as I close the door behind me and kick off my shoes quietly. I slip off my coat and drape it over the arm of the couch before making my way back to our bedroom. 

   I gently push the door open, careful to keep it from squeaking. In the darkness I can faintly see the form of Yuri as he lies in bed, fast asleep. I quietly take my first steps into the room and close the doors behind me. The darkness is familiar so I hardly fumble around as I prepare for bed, slipping off my clothing and sliding underneath the blankets. Yuri groans as I lie beside him but it doesn't take long for him to curl up beside me, his legs intertwining with mine. I smile as I cradle him in my arms and allow the sweet embrace to take me as I hold Yuri in my arms and the gentle promise of life that the days will fly by.

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