Chapter 29

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   Yuri had left for Barcelona two days ago and has settled in fairly well considering his anxiety. Thankfully he isn't entirely alone over there. He has Yakov and his friend Phichit with him. I still can't help but wish that I could be there with him too. Give him that last dose of motivation before he takes out onto the ice. I glare at my phone that is lying on my chest as Makkachin drapes over my waist and lower stomach. I appreciate the time I am getting to spend with my aging dog but I can't help but feel severely pissed off at the moment. 

   Marco was supposed to reach out to me two days ago! Two fucking days ago! He is the whole reason that I am sitting here on my couch instead of sitting in a hotel room with my fucking fiancé. I suppose that I should be grateful that Marco is even bothering to come out all this way for me, but if he could do that and be punctual at the same time we would be all set. 

   I run a gentle hand over Makkachin's head. His eyes slowly droop shut at the touch, a long sigh escaping his body. I smile at the sound as I continue to pet the oldest and most beloved member of my little family. It doesn't take long for Makkachin to fall fast asleep atop of me. His quiet snores filling up the silent room with their white noise. That is all he seems to want to do anymore is sleep. I guess that I shouldn't be surprised, he is getting up there in dog years. He is pushing somewhere around thirteen years old in human standards. I run slow and affectionate fingers through his fur, appreciating the slow rise and fall of his body as he breathes. I should really appreciate this time with him a lot more.

   My phone buzzes and I snatch it off of my chest with malice. Marco's name illuminates the screen and I ferociously hit the call accept button, silencing the buzzing. 

   "What the hell!" My voice is harsh and cold. I am surprised by how foreign my voice sounds to me, but I am beyond the point of really caring. 

   "Well, hello to you too." Marco replies, sounding a bit miffed at my cold greeting. "Some greeting you got there." 

   "You were supposed to call me two days ago Marco! Two days ago!" 

   "I heard you the first time around. Repeating it doesn't really make much of a difference." 

   "Why the fuck didn't you call?!"

   "Victor do you remember when you promised to come out and visit five years ago?"

   "This is nothing like that!" 

   "This is exactly like that!" He counters. "You are not the only one with a career." I say nothing as I struggle to get a grip on my temper and to reign in the harshness of my tongue. "I got busy, just like you did five years ago. At least I didn't completely forget about it entirely." 

   "Alright!" I snap, my voice clapping like thunder in the silent apartment, Makkachin lifts his head curiously looking at me with adorable big brown eyes. I pat his head lightly and lower my voice slightly so he can fall back asleep. "I get it, you made your point." 

   "You're so surly today, even more so than usual." He leaves a pregnant pause after his words and I can feel my blood pressure slowly begin to rise as he waits for me to reply.

   "If you have something to say then just say it." 

   "Did you not get laid or something?" My grip on the phone tightens and it takes all of my will power not to just end the call. 

   "You are crossing a line Marco."I growl through my teeth.

   "I was only joking." He grumbles with annoyance. "Touchy."

   "Are you even in Saint Petersburg?"

   "I got here last night." 

   "You should've just come over." I grumble irritably.

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