Chapter 6

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   I sit alone on the steps leading to our apartment. I haven't seen Yuri since our practice. He wasted no time in disappearing after we were finished. I had naively assumed that he had gone back to the apartment, but as I sit here, I realize how foolish I was to assume that. Yuri has disappeared somewhere and all I can hope is that he is being safe. My fingers tap against my knees anxiously as I think about my beloved Yuri wandering around the streets of Russia by himself. He still is getting used to living here and finding his way around. The fact that he is out there by himself doesn't help my anxiety. 

   I reach for my phone and check to see if there is a notification for a text or a call that I just so happened to overlook, but my screen is blank. The only thing there is the time and the picture Yuri and I had taken together at the last Grand Prix Final. His cheeks are pink and he is glancing at me out of the corner of his eye in the picture. He was so happy then. Everything seemed to be so perfect then.

   "What are you doing sitting outside?" My eyes snap up from my phone and meet the familiar amber eyes of my Yuri. I am so stunned by his sudden appearance that I can't even move from where I am sitting. His cheeks are tinted pink from the cold air and his hands are laced together behind his back. "It's a bit too cold to just sit out here for no reason." 

   "Welcome home Yuri." I reply softly. Yuri blinks in surprise before giving a soft, remorseful smile. His feet click against the metal stairs as he walks closer to me. I watch his every movement carefully and am stunned when his arms swing forward, revealing a small bouquet of roses. "What are these for?"

   "I just wanted to say that I am sorry." Yuri mumbles as he stares down at the floor. "I shouldn't have behaved like that, it was really childish." The plastic surrounding the flowers crinkles beneath my fingers as I take them. Yuri sits down beside me, his eyes staring down the stairs. We sit in tense silence for a moment as I struggle to think of something to say to break this silence. My mind is unfortunately blank.


   "I know that you were disappointed when you came to Japan the first time." Yuri says softly. I look over at him with wide eyes, my heart feels as if it is being squeezed harshly from within my chest. "I've seen the videos, I know that I was probably nothing like you were expecting when you first showed up." 


   "None of that really matters now." He murmurs as he blushes and grabs my hand. "It doesn't matter because you stuck around anyways." 

   "I loved you, why would I leave?" 

   "Because I wasn't the one you had originally fallen for." 

   "I love all of you Yuri." I whisper as I glance down at the red petals that are staring back at me. "I would rather have all of you than have a playboy that would possibly get bored and leave." 

   "You think that I would get bored and leave?" 

   "No, and that is only because I know you, the real you." I lean into him, resting my cheek on his head, soft dark hair brushing against my skin. "How could I ever be disappointed with what I have?" 

   "I love you Vitya." Yuri whispers before gently kissing my cheek. "I'm so glad that you loved me anyways." 

   "I'm glad that you love me as well." I whisper, wrapping my arm around his waist, pulling him closer to me. My eyes feel like they are burning underneath the surface. Why are they burning? There is no need for me to cry. Yuri doesn't look at me as his fingers gently rest on my cheek, my vision begins to blur from the sweet and simple touch. 

   "Why are you crying?"

   "Would you believe me if I told you that I really don't know?"


   "I honestly, don't know why I am crying right now." I reply calmly as rivers of tears flow down my cheeks. Yuri gently brushes some of them away with his thumbs, my skin tingling underneath his fingertips.

   "I didn't mean to make you cry." He murmurs as he cradles my face between his hands, his eyes are concerned but soft at the same time. If I could be able to jump into those eyes and swim in the melted chocolate of his iris I would never want to leave those warm depths. I lean into his touch and close my eyes. Yuri kisses just beneath my eyes and I sigh softly as I revel in the soft touch of his lips on my skin. 

   "Thank you for the flowers." I murmur. 

   "It's not a big deal." 

   "I love them." 

   "I'm glad." Yuri kisses my forehead gently. "Victor, would you like to come back inside now?" I say nothing as I try to remain in this moment for just a few seconds longer. "Victor? Could you come with me please?" 

   "Yes." I whisper as I stand up with him, letting him take my hand and guide me back up to our apartment. He unlocks the door and pulls me through the doorway, my fingers interlaced with his like a chain. Yuri gently takes the roses from me and places them in a vase as I let Makkachin out of his kennel. The poodle jumps up on me and licks at my face affectionately as Yuri watches us with amused and loving eyes. 

   My heart falters at the sight of the expression on his face. He looked at me with so much love that it stuns my body. My entire body releases a sigh of relief as I allow my poodle to push me down onto the ground. I laugh as I slobbered on and Yuri laughs as he watches on. There is only one thought going through my head in this situation and it confuses me. It sounded like there was another voice in my head and all it said was: "Finally."

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