Chapter 30

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   Sunday morning rolls around and something just feels off about the morning. Makkachin isn't sleeping at the end of the bed and the bedroom door is shut. I clearly remember leaving it open when I went to bed last night. Maybe Makkachin bumped it shut when he was leaving the room? But wouldn't I have heard it close? Did I close it last night and just forget about it? I groan as I rub my blurry eyes with my hands. This is really far too much thinking so early in the morning, the sun isn't even up yet. 

   I roll over onto my side and try to ignore the strange feeling that is overcoming me. Why do I feel this way? I close my eyes and try to fight off this growing sense of unease with sleep, but the merciful hands of sleep sadistically pass over me forcing me to fall into the pit of consciousness. A deep groan escapes me as I rise into a sitting position and run a few fingers through my hair, trying to wake myself up more. Makkachin is barking and running around and there are footsteps that are following his. 

   There is someone in here with me.

   My heart begins to slightly pound in my chest as I slowly rise out of bed, my bare feet colliding with the morning chilled floor. Shivers race over my skin as I hesitantly reach for the doorknob. I listen closely to what is transpiring in the hallway beyond the door. Makkachin isn't growling and my uninvited guest isn't speaking, it almost seems calm outside of this room. I warily and hesitantly crack the door open and peek out into the hallway. No one is there, but the yellow kitchen light is glowing and filling up half of the apartment with its light. 

   From where I am standing I can see the shadow of Makkachin in the kitchen, his tail wagging a mile a minute as the intruder gives him a treat. My heart is pounding in my chest like a hummingbird's wings and I can't seem to bring myself to come out of the bedroom. What am I going to do if this intruder is armed? I have nothing to defend myself from any kind of assault and that knowledge only adds to my fear and wariness. 

   Makkachin walks out of the kitchen and looks directly at me. He barks in excitement and runs over to me. I panic and close the door, locking it securely before making sure to barricade it with the dresser. Makkachin paws at the door and whines like a forlorn puppy as the door does not open for him. There are footsteps that come closer to the door and I feel the true grip of fear surround me body and soul as the footsteps pause outside the door. 

   There is a gentle knock on the door and I feel my entire body go slack in surprise. What kind of intruder knocks on the bedroom door of the home that they are invading? There is another knock and a slight laugh from the other side of the door. I slowly and hesitantly unlock the door and pull it open slightly, peeking back out into the hallway. Amber eyes and dark hair fill my gaze as I peer outside. 

   "Boo." Yuri whispers with a faint laugh. 

   "Yuri?" I throw open the door and pull him into my arms, a sense of relief and confusion overwhelming me but all I can do is hold him in my arms.

   "Were you really that scared that you would lock yourself in your room?" Yuri asks with a laugh. 

   "I didn't know you were home." I protest. "I went to bed in a relatively empty house and wake up with the door closed and someone walking around. Of course I am going to be fucking scared!"

   "Sorry for frightening you." Yuri chuckles as he holds me tightly. "It was supposed to be a good surprise." 

   "It is a good surprise, but..." I pull back from him and look at him closely. "Yuri, what exactly are you doing here? You're supposed to be in Spain performing." 

   "Well there was an incident at the rink that they felt the need to evacuate all of the skaters and send everyone home."

   "Incident?" I grab onto Yuri's face lightly. "Are you alright?"

   "Victor, I'm fine." His hands shadow mine. "It was just a gas leak. I wasn't even in the building."

   "So that's why you're home? Because of a gas leak?" 

   "Do I need a different reason to come home?" He asks confusedly. 

   "No!" My hands slide down to his shoulders and grip onto him lightly. "I'm just surprised is all. So what is going to happen with the final placement skate?" 

   "I guess they'll just have to reschedule it." He tilts his head slightly as he looks up at me. "Did I really scare you that bad?" I blink in confusion as he places a gentle hand on my cheek. "You still look so worked up." 

   "I was just really caught off guard." I confess. "This was definitely not how I expected to receive you when you came home."  Yuri smiles at me apologetically as he pulls me down for a brief and sweet kiss. My eyes flutter shut from the soft and gentle pass of his lips on mine. It has only been about three days since he had flown off to Barcelona and I had already yearned for his kiss so desperately that just a mere brush of his lips on mine felt like a thousand volts of electricity coursing through my bloodstream. 

   "I'm sorry for frightening you." He whispers as he pulls back, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I really didn't mean to scare you." 

   "I know you didn't." 

   "I didn't know that you were such a scaredy cat." I glance down at him with narrowed eyes and he merely laughs at my expression. "I missed you." 

   "I missed you too." I whisper into his hair as I pull him close. 

   "I'm glad that we'll get to spend more time together before the Grand Prix Final. A bit of me and you time instead of just frantic training, you know?" 


    "Don't you think that will be nice?" 

    "I do, I look forward to it very much." I reply, planting a gentle kiss on the crown of his head. Yuri nuzzles into my neck and holds me tightly, almost as if promising that he will never let go.

   This complicates things a bit. What in the hell am I going to do?

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