Chapter 5

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   "You know what I just realized?" Yuri asks as he looks over at me, his head rested on the pillow as our giant white comforter covers us. His hand resting in the palm of mine as he looks at me with those alluring amber colored eyes. I hum in response as I feel myself begin to slip away into the pleasureful abyss that reside within those beautiful orbs, pulling me deeper and deeper into this feeling of love. "That was the first time that we have ever really had sex without having to worry about someone or something interrupting." I can't help but chuckle at his words and his cheeks begin to tint a faint shade of pink. "It's true." He mumbles. 

   "I know." I murmur as I run my knuckles across his cheek softly. "It was nice." Yuri smiles faintly at my response, leaning his face into my touch slightly. "You really are a handsome man Yuri." He laughs quietly as I continue to trace over his features with my fingers. "With or without your glasses, you are so beautiful."

   "If there was a beauty pageant, then you would win Victor." 

   "I don't know about that." 

   "I am almost a hundred percent certain." Yuri says with a grin. "Especially if I was one of the judges." He's so cute.

   "Yuri." I sigh in contentment as I roll over on top of him. He blinks in surprise at my sudden change in position before smiling up at me sweetly. "I love you." 

   "I love you too." I smile before relaxing and allowing myself to fall on top of him. Yuri gasps in surprise before giving a groaning laugh as he tries to push me off of him. I can't help but smile at his attempts. 

   "Victor!" He laughs, his body shaking with laughter, weakening his arms as he tries to push me off of his body. "Get off of me." 

   "No." I cuddle into his chest, wrapping my arms around his back and interlacing our legs together. "I don't want to."  

   "Victor!" He laughs as my breath tickles his skin, his fingers digging into my skin slightly as he laughs and shoves at me. Even when he is trying to push me away he is so cute. "You're so heavy." He whines with a slight laugh. I smile as I bury my face into his neck, the smell of his skin washing over me. 

   "You smell so good Yuri." I hum. 

   "But i'm all sweaty." He mumbles with a slight frown. I plant gentle kisses along the side of his neck and he laughs quietly from the ticklish kisses. He shivers as I gently run my tongue up his neck. "That can't taste good." He teases lightly. 

   "You always taste good." I whisper. Yuri laughs as he reaches up and threads his fingers into my hair, holding onto me tightly. His fingertips gently trace soft, small circles onto my scalp and I can feel every muscle in my body begin to relax from the sweet touches. "Yuri." 

   "What is it?"

   "Do you like living in Russia?" 

   "It has its benefits." He whispers as he continues to toy with my hair. I glance up at him curiously. What exactly does he mean by that? "I'm just happy to be able to be here with you, like this." I rest my head on his shoulder, continuing to stare up at him. 

   "I'm glad that you are here with me." I murmur softly.

   "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." He closes his eyes as he enjoys our closeness. It feels like it was a small eternity ago where I could barely look at Yuri without him blushing, and now we are lying together in one bed, with no barriers between us. My little piggy has come a very far way since the first time I met him in Japan. Yuri hums softly with a smile as I plant a gentle kiss on his cheek.

   When I came to Japan I remember feeling confused and abandoned. Yuri was nothing like the person I had first fallen for. Yuri peeks at me from beneath his lashes as I stare out into space, remembering the person who had literally swept me off of my feet. He was so confident and flirty that I didn't know what to do except allow him to do whatever he wanted. Slender fingers brush stray strands of hair out of my face and I find myself blinking in surprise as two beautiful eyes are staring at me. 

   "Victor what are you thinking about?"

   "Just about how far our relationship has come." I murmur softly. 

   "Oh, you just looked troubled." He mutters as he looks away. I reach up and touch his face. I waited a year to be able to look at him, talk to him, touch him like this and now he's here. Yuri still doesn't look at me for a moment. It is almost as if he knows exactly what I was thinking, but I know that is impossible because I never told him about just how different he acted at the banquet. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. 

   "I never said that I was thinking of bad things." I whisper softly, trying to get him to blush. Yuri doesn't react as he continues to stare at the wall. "Yuri?"

   "You know that I love you, right?" 

   " I do."  My eyes narrow in confusion as I push myself up high enough to look at his face. "Why bring that up?" Yuri doesn't say anything and I gently grab onto his face, forcing him to look at me. "Look at me." His eyes begrudgingly meet mine and I can't help but stare into those beautiful eyes. "Why did you feel the need to ask that question?"

   "I don't know."

   "Yuri." I sigh deeply. 

   "I just sometimes feel that when you are remembering things about our relationship you have this disappointed look on your face." His eyes are vulnerable as he looks up at me. "Were you disappointed with me when you came to Japan?" 

   "No, Yuri!" I grab onto his face. "I was never disappointed with you." He frowns and stares down at the floor. "There was nothing for me to be disappointed about." I reply with a soothing voice. The words ring true, yet I can't help but feel as if I am lying to him. I was never disappointed in Yuri, I was disappointed in my own expectations. 

   "I don't want to talk about this anymore." Yuri mumbles as he gently removes my hands from his face. I can't help but stare at him stunned as he rolls over and I have no other choice but to roll onto my back and stare up at the ceiling. The large comforter covering our bodies had floated above us like a cloud but now as it lies on my skin it feels as heavy as lead.

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