Chapter 4

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   "Victor we have training tomorrow." Yuri breathes softly as I plant soft and gentle kisses from just beneath his ear to his collarbone. "Victor." He whines. I smile against his soft skin as I pull him closer to me, enjoying the lack of resistance he is offering me. I curl my fingers into his hair and lightly pull his head back making him sigh quietly as I plant open mouthed kisses on his neck. His fingers dig into my shoulders as he clings onto me. A smug sense of satisfaction washes through me as he holds onto me like a lifeline.  "Victor we-"

   "Shh." I murmur as I slide my hand up the back of his shirt. "Just enjoy the moment Yuri." He shivers as I scrape my nails gently down his back. I glance up and see him biting his bottom lip as his body slightly trembles.

   "W-why so suddenly?" He asks as I run my tongue slowly up his neck. I smile softly, giving him a few more tantalizing kisses before responding. "Victor." He groans slightly.

   "My baby had a rough day." I whisper before releasing my hold on his hair. Yuri stares at me with confusion as I slowly slide his shirt up his. chest. "I want to have it end on a good note." He opens his mouth to say something but I am quick to silence him. His lips becoming pliant almost instantly as I nipped at his bottom lip gently. Yuri sighs softly as I remove his shirt completely and run my fingers over his beautiful skin. It feels like it's been an eternity since I last touched it.

   Yuri has been so exhausted since coming to Russia due to the vast difference in time zones. I didn't have the heart to wake him up early or keep him up late for my own reasons. So Yuri has been given quite a break from my touch and from the way he's reacting it would seem that he's missed it just as much as I have.

   "Vitya." He groans as I kiss down his chest, shivers running through me from the sound of his voice. His fingers curl into my hair and he struggled to keep his breathing level as I continue to descend his body. "My...wasn't that bad." He struggles to speak as my mouth hovers over his pant line, planting gentle kisses along the top of his exposed hips. "Really."

   "I must confess," I whisper into his skin as I glance up at him, my hands tracing up his legs. "That was only an excuse."

   "An excuse?" He gasps slightly as my fingers slip into the hemline of his pants, my cool fingers hitting his warm skin. "For what, to do this?"

   "Yes." I slowly pull his pants down, my eyes fixating on the tight black boxers that he is wearing beneath. Yuri gasps as he sees where I'm looking and desperately covers my eyes with his hands. It would appear that no matter how often we have sex, my staring will always embarrass him.

   "D-don't look!" He mumbles in embarrassment, his hands are shaking.

"But I want to look." I purr. "Those are my boxers after all."

"We were running late and they were the only ones I saw and so..."He struggles to excuse his actions with a babbling tongue until he eventually falls silent. I smile as I peek at him through the gaps of his fingers. His face is a bright red and his eyes are averted even though he is covering my face. I slowly move his hands away and he blushes even brighter when he sees my eyes come into view.

"There's no need to be embarrassed." I whisper as I plant gentle kisses on his wrists. "I think they look rather good on you."

"V-Vitya." He stammers bashfully.

"Actually that was a lie." I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his stomach. "They look so sexy on you."

   "Y-yeah?" He asks as he slowly falls back onto the bed, allowing me to hover over him. His eyes are shining as he looks back at me and I can feel my heart begin to pound in my chest.

   "They're my favorite type on you." I murmur before connecting our lips together. Streams of lightning strike within my soul as Yuri slips his tongue into my mind, wrapping his arms around my neck pulling me closer to him. It feels like it has been centuries since we have last kissed like this, I almost feel ashamed of how impatient I was for this type of connection.

   Everything is a blur as our clothing vanishes to the floor and fingertips dance across sections of skin that were previously covered. Breathy moans fill the air and a thin layer of sweat covers our skin as we collide and connect. I find myself straining to control myself. Yuri's flushed and lustful face looking up at me as he digs his nails into my back. Yuri. My Yuri. He cries out as I pull him closer to me, bringing him closer to his limit.

   "Yuri." I groan.

   "V-Victor." He cries in response as body begins to tremble as we both draw close to the precipice of love and pleasure. Yuri clings onto me desperately as we both fall into the intoxicating abyss together. Our breathing is labored as we continue to hold onto one another. Yuri's body is trembling and when I look over at his face I see tears in his eyes.

   "No Yuri don't cry." I say with a slightly panicked voice, my hands desperately trying to wipe and soothe away his tears. Memories of the moment where Yuri begged me to stop touching him comes to mind and I worry that I have once again crossed that horrible line. It takes all of my self control to stop myself from trembling.

   "Too long." He murmurs, the rest of his words muffled in the roar of my anxious heart.


   "It's been too long." He repeats as he brushes strands of sweat slicked hair away from my eyes. His eyes are glowing with faint tears shining like diamonds in pools of melted topaz. I can't help but stare at him in surprised relief as my fears are momentarily vanquished. My eyes go wide as Yuri flips me over and kisses me deeply, his body lightly hovering over mine.

   I moan into the kiss as my body begins to react to his. My hands come to rest on his hips as he takes control of our dalliance. He kisses down my neck and bites at all of the right places to make me shiver and moan.


   "I love you." He whispers into my neck before biting at the junction of my neck and shoulder roughly. I groan in pleasure, my eyes scrunching tightly shut at the sensation. "Vitya." He breathes lowly, his voice full of lust, before continuing his descent on my body. Goosebumps have formed over my skin and I feel my heart skip several beats. I keep my eyes shut tight as the sensations that Yuri is giving to me sweeps me away in a tidal wave of perpetual bliss.

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