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"Happy birthday Rach." Everyone said as they walked threw the door of the house.

Today was my cousins 13th birthday party. I stayed away from everyone. It was either I didn't know who they were or it was family.

"Brianna. Come here." Rachel summoned me over. She was in a big group of people.

"What's up?"

"I want you to meet Luke." She pointed over to the snack table.

She dragged me over to the blonde headed boy. I never like meeting new people. I'm not a people person.

"Luke this is Brianna. My cousin I was telling you about."

"I see you around school sometimes. You're in my Algebra class." He held out his hand.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked in the house. Rachel's mom was getting a few drinks for people.

"Why don't you go swimming Brianna?" She slid a can of soda to me.

"I just don't want to Aunt Bel."

"Then come out with me. Go play with Rachel and Luke."

She dragged me outside. It was to hot to do anything. I saw my brother Alec in the pool with our dad. My older brother Zac was talking to a few girls.

After a while I decided to join Alec in the pool. I wore my swimsuit there under my clothes. All I did was sit there watching Alec.

I lost sight of Luke and Rachel. I was keeping an eye on them so in case they do anything.

"I'm behind you." I jumped at the sound of his voice.

"I wasn't looking for you Luke." I splashed a ton of water at him. The pool was nearly empty. Everyone got hungry and left.

"You don't have to lie to me."

"Just get the hell away from me you creep. I hate you." I climbed out of the pool.

"How can you hate some one when you just met them?" He grabbed my arm and tried pulling me in.

"Well if I'm in your algebra class then I didn't just meet you." I started shouting a little. The music was to loud for anyone to hear me.

"You didn't even know I existed till a few minutes ago." I managed to get out of the pool and to the basketball court my aunt just had to have.

Zac and I played a few games. I won most of them but I knew he was just letting me win. Him and I were into basketball and watched Syracuse play all the time. Alec would rather do indoor soccer.

A few people came to play with us. For a while it was just random people on each team. When more girls came to play it was boys vs. girls. Of course girls won. The boys didn't want to hear us whine the whole day about losing.

It was time for cake. Everyone gathered around the table and Rachel. I got suck next to Luke. He kept trying to put his arm around me. We all sang 'Happy Birthday' to Rachel and she blew out the few candles on her cake.

After eating all the cake it was time for Rachel to open her presents. I stayed inside for that. I never understood why people liked watching other people get presents. A few times I heard Rachel scream at what she got. She was always over dramatic.

"What's wrong Brianna?" Chad walked in.

"Nothing. I just can't stand being near a ton of people."

Chad is a family friend. His mom grew up with my Dad and Aunt Bel. He's my best friend. We hung out almost everyday when we were younger.

"Did my mom tell you?" He sat down next to me on the couch.

"Tell me what?"

"We're moving."



"Well then I best be getting tickets to games." He laughed a little to hard at that.


"Luke could you help Brianna clean outside?" My mom asked as I walked out back.

"No problem Mrs.Mitchell."

He held the bag so I could throw everything away. Some people left a few cups in the pool. I had to swim in and get them.

"Why do you hate me?" Luke helped me out of the pool.

"I hate everyone. Don't take it to personally."

Misfit ||Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now