Chapter 21

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"Happy birthday Brianna." I was woken up by everyone screaming. Luke and Zac jumped on my bed. Miley was barking at them.

"Couple more hours please."

"No no. Birthday girl has to get up." Zac dragged me out of bed to the kitchen. They all made me breakfast.

"The birthday girl wants to sleep. Let her sleep damn it." I tried pulling away. Zacs grip was to tight for me to escape.

Zac forced me to sit down and eat. There was pancakes, waffles, bacon. A lot of bacon. They all knew I was in love with bacon.

"Where's mom?" I shoved bacon in my mouth.

"She's going to get your present." All the guys just smiled.

I waited and waited for my mom to come home. They didn't want me to open any gifts with her not here. She's been gone for so long I started sitting on the couch upside down.

"Can we just record her opening her gifts and show mom later? She's taking forever." Zac pushed me over making me land on the floor.

"No. Your mom wants to see what you got her. Remember last year?" Zacs face turned bright red.

"I thought it was funny. Her face was priceless."

"Can some one tell me what he gave her?" For a second I forgot Luke was in the room.

"Well he got me a dildo. I was so grossed out I threw it at him." Luke couldn't stop laughing.

"Do you still have it?"

"Hell to the no. That's nasty."

After a couple more laughs about last year mom walked in. Right behind her was Chad. He hasn't really said a word to me sense the funeral but I was just glad to see him.

"Can I open my presents now?" I whined like a five year old.

"Yes. Open Zacs' first tho."

Zac went to the back room and grabbed the presents. Their was one really huge box that caught my eye. It was wrapped with Spongebob wrapping paper. It had Zac written all over it.

He handed me the gigantic box. I tore everything off and opened the box. There was another box inside. I grabbed a knife and opened the box. There was an even smaller box in that.

"We are not doing this again." I threw the empty boxes at Zac. I opened the box. it was filled with tissue. I threw it all out and took out the even smaller box. "Condoms Zac. Condoms."

"Hey you're eighteen now. You'll be thanking me when you don't get pregnant."

"He's right Brianna. That is actually the best present he's gotten you." I couldn't believe my dad was approving this.

"I'm done with you."

I handed Luke the box of condoms so I could open the other box. It was a really tiny box. I couldn't think of what it was. I slowly opened it and a set if car keys were sitting there.

"You are shitting me." I ran out side not caring if I was still in my pajamas or not. A brand new Ford truck was sitting in the drive way. "Why? I thought you said the only way I can get a new truck was if I paid for it myself."

"Well you're our only daughter. and we wanted to spoil you." My mom had a soothing tone in her voice for once.

"Thank you so much." I gave both my parents a hug.

"You didn't get excited about my gift." Zac was acting like a baby as usual.

"I don't think normal 21 year olds buy their younger sister condoms. Now do they." My mom scolded Zac.

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