Chapter 19

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It was now the end of January. The family wasn't so depressed anymore. We stayed home more. We laughed. We played. My family actually started going to my games. Every one was happier.

Then there was me. I will admit I am happier but I'm slowly getting better. Extremely slow. I kept his phone by my bedside. I pay for his phone bill. I call his phone every once in a while just to hear his voice. I watch all the videos of us from before. I did get in trouble for getting into a fight with Giovanna and Sam. It was off school property so I didn't get in trouble with the school. But it made Luke stop talking to me for awhile. I broke our promise and I had to deal with the consequence.

My mom had the whole family go to therapy. Separately. I hated having to go there. It intervened with my schedule. I had to go at least three times a week. More than anyone else. The therapist didn't help at all. She just kept telling me what I wanted to hear. I hate it when people do that.

I had a game after school. I texted Luke asking if he would go. He didn't answer. I called Ashton. He said he would try. I just wanted some one there that I liked [as a friend].

This would be the hardest game of the season. The other team was undefeated. We were too but they're a bigger school. We always had a hard time beating them. We've been practicing more than usual. We would practice on the weekends.

It was lunch and I had skipped with Jamie. He always brung a bag of chips and a few of those Hugs juice things. We would sit in a little room that they never locked and just sit there talking about stuff. I haven't had a full lunch sense I was 12. It just consisted of a few bags of chips and juice.

"Want to come over before the game? My dad can bring us." Jamie whispered in my ear.

"Yea actually I would like that."

"So what's going on with you and Luke?" He chugged down a Hugs.

"He hasn't talked to me sense the fight. I asked if he could go to the game but he didn't give an answer."

"Do you think he'll show up?"

"Who the hell cares anymore." I handed Jamie the bag of chip.

"If he wants to be part of your life, he will make an obvious effort to do so. Think twice before reserving a space in your heart for people who do not make an effort to stay." Jamie had a little smirk on his face.

"Sense we have learning center next, wanna go get some pizza and have a real lunch?"

"Best idea ever."

We were warming up for the game. The JV players left after a horrible defeat. My family walked in sitting in their usual spots. There was a few seconds left to warm up so I ran off to get my phone.

"Brianna what are you doing?" I heard a girl yell at me.

"I need to call my brother."

"Your brothers right up there." Jamie pointed to Zac.

I walked into the locker room. Trying to hurry so I wouldn't be late. I called my brother before every game. I could hear everyone yelling for me to go back out. Alec's voice mail finally came over the phone. 'Hey it's Alec. I'm to busy hanging out with my sister to answer.'

I ran back out to the court. When they called our names we ran over shook hands with the other coach and ran to the middle of the court. It was pretty packed in the stands.

I noticed Luke and Ashton weren't there. It upset me a little that neither of them showed but that was ok. I could live with out them.

It's been a few minutes sense we've started the game. No one has made a basket yet. I caught myself looking at the doors and next to Jamie hoping Luke would walk in. At this point I was certain he wouldn't show up.

I was standing there dribbling the ball waiting for some one to get open. After a few seconds of standing there I ran up to do a lay up. A girl from the other team elbowed me in the face. Everyone was yelling, but one voice stuck out from the rest. An Aussie accent was yelling at the referee. When I saw the bright blue eyes I was instantly happy.


"I'm sorry Luke." I whispered into his chest it was late but we decided to stay up.

"It's fine. and great job on wining the game." His lips found their place on my forehead.

"Thanks. I thought you weren't going to come."

"I wasn't but Ashton called me and convinced me at last minute."

We didn't have anything to do so we had a Netflix marathon. We watched more cartoons than anything else.

"Brianna I have a question."


"Why did you kiss me on Thanksgiving?" I froze. I didn't really know why I did. It just happened.

"Because I wanted to." The words slowly made their way out my mouth.

"Well we should do it again sometime." His face was just centimeters away. He didn't brake eye contact with me.

"Call me Bri." I said before smashing our lips together.

My hands roamed his hair. His hands were placed at my neck. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss. I played with his lip ring. He moaned at my action making me smile. His hands creeped up my shirt signaling me to take it off. Luke's eyes widened. His fingers lightly traced my ribs.


"I didn't know you had a tattoo." Luke just looked in awe. "Wait. I have 14 days. What do you want for your birthday?" Luke pulled away from me.

"Really? You couldn't wait till later to ask."

"I'm being serious Bri. What do you want?"

"Fine. A rainbow unicorn with a rhinestone heart on the front who farts skittles." I rested my head on his shoulder.

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