Chapter 11

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Today was mine and Alecs' day. We have this thing where if one of us is upset we would plan a day doing whatever that person wanted. Most of the time I would be the one upset. This time it was Alec.

For the last few weeks Alec hasn't been himself. He would ignore me in school. Reject my offers to go anywhere. He would isolate himself, from me mostly. He's been acting more like me everyday. I hate it.

I got up early. He was lucky I loved him. It was to early on a Saturday morning. I didn't wake him till later. He planned a ton of things todo today. It took me forever just to figure one out.

"You ready?" I opened the door slightly. He was just putting his shirt on.

"Yea. Let me grab a few more things." He walked to his closet.

When he opened the door to his closet I noticed a ton of bungee cords. I know we do alot of redneck things that involve them but not that many. We usually kept them in the shed out back.

"I thought we agreed, on our day phones don't exsist."

"This is different." The tone in his voice just sounded miserable.

I always brought my phone. He always left his at home. I'm supposed to have it because I watch him and if anything happeneds.

Alec was starting to scare me. We've been fighting a lot more. We pretty much shut each other out at school. Alec would start fights with Luke when they were studying. Luke was the one telling me there was a problem. Alec has never gotten this bad. I over heard a few teachers talking about how he was acting one day.

Lately I've seen Giovanna around. Not with Alec but his bestfriend. They act like they don't even know him at all. It started pissing me off but Alec hasn't said anything yet.

"What's wrong lil bro?" I pulled into the first place he wanted to go.

"Some how I got caught with all the drama at school." I was 100% sure it was Giovanna and his friend that started everything. "No it has nothing to do with Giovanna."

"What about Sam?" He wouldn't answer me for the longest time.

"To be honest, I haven't talked to her sense Halloween night."

I remember back when I was going to pick him up in the woods. The person that was in the background wasnt stalking Alec. She was stalking Giovanna.

"Ignore what ever the Drama is. If you need me call me. I'll be ready to kick some ass." His lips pulled into a smile.

I was just a little over protective of him. He was protective over me. Before Luke and I started hanging out, Alec asked Luke a bunch of questions. He does that to all the guy I talk to.

Today didn't go as planned. Alec and I fought the whole time. He was short tempered. I didn't have the patients for anything. We skipped a few things on his list.

After all day spending time with a moody Alec, I took him to our favourite place. The zoo. We loved picking on the animals. He use to drag me to the Penguins. Him and Luke would talk about penguin prostitution all the time.

We had been at the zoo for a few hours all ready. Alec seemed happier. He'd try and hide it but I could see his smile.

"Fell better now?" I handed him his cotten candy.

"Alot." He hugged me tight.

His body towered over me. He may be two years younger than me but he was tall. He was almost over 6' ft. tall. Luke and him were the same height. They both picked on me for my shortness.

Alec and I took a million pictures. A few people photobombed us. Most were weird. Most were bad.

"Bri, Thanks for today. I've been feeling really down lately and I just needed a day to clear my head." We pilled back in the car.


"Where were you today?" Alec and I walked back into the house. Our mom just got home. She was more worried about me being gone than Alec.

"Out with Alec. Why do you care?" I brushed passed her.

"Because I'm your mother. I should know." At this point she started shouting.

"Well you're never home. I didn't know you were going to be home early." I threw my hands in the air. We fought all the time. It wasn't anything new.

"Get out of my sight." She threw her keys on the counter.

"About freaking time." I stormed off to my room.It was already darkoutside. Miley was up on my pillow. I lightly placed her in her little bed by the window. I tried get the little dog hair off of my pillow when my phone rang.


"Bri. Can you come over?" It sounded like Luke was whispering.

"Yea sure whats up?"

"Nothing I just wanted you to come over."

I knew I couldn't leave threw the front door. My mom was still there. I left threw my window.

Luke's house was dark. It seemed like no one was there. I walked to the front door. I didn't have to knock on the door. Luke was waiting for me.

"Whats wrong?" I walked in tossing my shoes off.

"I got lonely."

"So you call me? You have friends."

"But they aren't pretty girls like you." He winked.

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