Chapter 16

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We all ran to Alec's room. I lead them all in there. Brianna was covering her eyes facing the door. Alec's closet door was wide open. He had a bungee cord around his neck. I pulled Brianna into my arms. She was crying hysterically. I dragged her out to the living room and set her down on the couch. I ran back to Alec's room. Zac and their dad were giving Alec CPR. Their mom was calling the ambulance.

"Take Brianna to your place. I'll call you when we get to the hospital and when she can come. Keep an eye on her." Brianna's mom hung up the phone.

I picked Brianna up and walked her to my car. She didn't protest against my actions. I think she just wanted to get out of the house.

I carried her to my room. Her crying slowed down a bit. I tried to do what ever I could to make her feel better. Nothing worked. I knew it was going to be hard.

"It's going to be Ok." I held her in my arms once again. We both were sitting on my bed. She was sitting in between my legs with her head on my chest. I rocked her back and forth to calm her down a little. "Why don't you get changed?" I got up and handed her my sweatpants and shirt.

"Thank you." She didn't bother walking to the bathroom. She got changed right in front of me. I could feel my cheeks turning red so I turned around. "You can turn around now."

"Do you need anything?" I sat down next to her. She pulled her knees to her chest. Before she could answer my phone rang. "Hello Mrs.Mitchell."

"We just got to the hospital. Could you bring Brianna up in the morning?"

"No problem."

The whole night was silent. Brianna didn't move from were she was. Not even an inch. She didn't say anything. I didn't know what I could do to help. I just felt so bad and awful.

"Where's my phone?" Her voice was so quiet and innocent.

"I believe in my car. Want me to get it for you?"

"Please. Luke." I kissed her forehead before I left the room.

-Brianna's P.O.V

I felt awful. I was angry, and sad. It was like every bit of my happiness is gone. How could he feel so terrible and not tell me what was happening? I thought we had a strong brother sister bond. I guess I was wrong.

He use to be our little soldier. The strong one. Happy every minute, every second of the day. Nothing could bring him down. Apparently not.

The sight of him haunts me now. Every time I close my eyes I see it. I was scared to go to sleep. I probably wouldn't be able to for awhile.

Luke's room was dark. The only light was from his light on the nightstand. It was also cold. I wrapped the closest blanket around me.

"We should watch a movie." I wiped under my eyes. Luke seemed shocked about my suggestion.

"Are you sure? Don't you want to sleep or something?"

"I can't sleep. If you want to go to bed Luke you can. I'll just be down stairs watching t.v."

"Nah I'll watch a movie or two with you." He kissed my cheek helping me up off the bed.

I picked 'Identity Thief'. I thought of picking a horror movie but I decided to go with a comedy. Just something to get my mind off of everything.

"You wanna know what I just realized Luke. I barely know anything about you."

"That was random. What do you wanna know about me?" He pulled me closer to him .

"When's your birthday?"

"July 16th. You?"

"February 14th" I clenched the blanket around me.

"Oh a Valentines baby." I smirked at his shitty comment.

"What's your favorite color?"


We weren't even paying attention to the movie anymore. I wanted to know everything about Luke. I kept asking questions to get to know him better.

"Wait. If you're born in February and I'm born in July and were the same age now. Then you're older than me." Luke set me on his lap. I still had the smirk on my face. "You're a cougar."

"You kissed a cougar then." I laughed. I was surprised Luke actually made me laugh. Very rarely people make me laugh.

"And I liked it. I would do it again." He gently kissed my nose.


Luke's P.O.V

I made Brianna breakfast. She was still asleep on the couch. I didn't want to wake her. She didn't get to sleep till a few hours ago.

"Brianna wake up. I made breakfast for you." She pulled the covers over her head.

"I'm not hungry." She moaned.

"Please for me."

She forced herself off the couch. Her hair was everywhere. She put it in a messy bun. It sat perfectly on her head. She sat in front of the plate of food I left out for her.

"Wow pancakes. Their actually good." She ate a little.

"And you didn't think I could cook."

We got to the hospital. Brianna was still in my clothes. She slowly walked towards her parents. I knew we both didn't want to hear what was going on.

"Brianna. H-He didn't make it." Zac pulled her into a tight hug. She wasn't crying, but you could tell she was upset.

"Well, I have practice. I'll see you all later." Brianna started walking out the exit. Zac and her parents just let her leave.

"Brianna you can stay. The team will understand." I grabbed her arm.

"No Luke." She snapped at me. "I have a game tomorrow. I plan on playing in that game. If you want to stay go right ahead."

I will tell you right now I knew Brianna wanted to stay. Yet she didn't. She didn't want to see her brother in this condition. She didn't want to think about the last thing he said. The last time she looked at him. She was just trying to get her mind off of everything.

"Can I watch your practice?" I drove to their house so she could grab her clothes.

"Yea but Jamie's there."

I walked inside with Brianna. I stayed by the front door waiting for her. It took her awhile to get her bag ready.

"You're going to be late." I yelled from the front door.

The whole ride was silent. I didn't want to say anything just incase it made her mad.

"Hey you don't have to be here if you don't want to." I stepped in front of her before she walked into the gym.

"I'm going to practice whether you like it or not." Brianna pushed me out of the way.

Barely anyone was there yet. I recognized a few of the girls. They seemed surprised seeing me walk in behind Brianna. She left me to sit with Jamie for the next few hours.

"Who do you thinks going to win the game tomorrow?" Jamie broke the silence between us. Usually we would go hours with out talking to each other with out Brianna with us.

"Probably us. I've never really seen the other team." I didn't want Jamie to know what happened last night. I didn't think Brianna wanted anyone to know yet.

"True. What's with Brianna today? She seems unfocused."

"I can't really tell you Jamie." I pressed my back against the bleachers.

The whole practice Brianna was either tripping over her own feet, or causing fouls. Her coach made her take a break for a while. I handed her, her drink.

"Thank you Luke."

"No problem. You staying at my house tonight?" I wiped her hair off her forehead.

"Please. But I need to stop at my house to get my stuff."

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