Chapter 15

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I woke up to an empty bed. I was expecting Brianna cuddled up with me. Instead the whole house smelled like food.

I crawled out of bed. I noticed my shirt I was wearing yesterday was gone. Brianna probably took it.

Alec and their dad were sitting on the couch. Zac wasn't there yet. He's supposed to come later. Brianna was in the kitchen getting everything together.

"I am 100% sure that's my shirt." I wrapped my arms around her waist. She squeaked as I picked her up.

"I was to lazy to get my own, so I just stole yours. Plus your clothes are so much comfier." She laughed as I lightly put her down.

I left Brianna to finish cooking. Alec and I started playing Grand Theft Auto. Their dad didn't really care that I stayed the night in Brianna's room. He was pretty nonchalant about everything. 

"Who let Brianna cook this year?" Zac walked through the door with a bag.

"I cook every year jack ass." Brianna shouted from the kitchen. She didn't sound happy when he shut the door. "Zac can you watch what's on the stove? I need to get ready."

I followed Brianna to her room. She knew I was behind her so she kept the door open. She looked through her closet.

"You have a ton of clothes. You can just pick out a shirt and jeans." I sat on her bed.

"It harder than it looks Luke." She turned around throwing a shirt at me.

"Yea I know." I pointed down at my crotch. She laughed a little rolling her eyes at me.

She didn't take long to get changed. She left her hair natural. I personally liked it better natural. I watched her do her make up. I couldn't understand why girls love wearing make up.

"Brianna hurry up I don't want to watch the stove anymore." Zac yelled. Brianna ran out of the room.

Zac, Alec, and I just sat around watching tv. I tried helping Brianna a few times but she just pushed me out of the kitchen. It's been hours sense she's started.

"Foods done." All of us ran to the kitchen table.

"About damn time." Zac grabbed a plate.

After we all got our food we sat down. Zac said grace. When we went around saying what we were thankful for we skipped over Brianna.

Alec was acting extremely strange. He kept looking at his phone every few seconds. He usually never looks at his phone when he's eating.

Brianna and I walked back to her room. There was nothing else to do so we just messed with her dog Miley.

"Bri Can I tell you something?"

"What is it Luke?" She threw Miley's toy making her run and get it.

"I'm so jealous of Ashton." She had a confusing look on her face.

"Why is that?"

"Because he can make you happy and I can't" She sat next to me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Just between you and I, I didn't really like our date we had. Well it was nice and we had fun but he's just not my type."

"Then who is?"

She slowly leaned in. Our lips slowly moved together. Her hands played with my hair. The small kiss turned into a heated make out session. I pulled her hips closer to mine. She was laying on top of me.

"Does that answer your question?" She pulled away from me.

"Just a little."

"Brianna. Luke. I don't know what you're doing in there but Zac wants to have dessert now." Brianna's dad yelled from the other side of the door.

It was getting late. It was about 11:30. Zac wanted to play a game of Clue. We all thought he was drunk again, but he says wasn't.

"Where's Alec? He can't miss this." Zac started taking out the board.

"I'll go get him." Brianna got up and started looking for him.

It took awhile for her to find him. She had to have looked through all the rooms in the house.

"Alec!" Brianna screamed. It wasn't a playful scream or a 'looking for you' scream. It was a scared scream.

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