Chapter 18

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It's been a few weeks sense Alec's passing. I haven't been to school at all. My mom called the school telling them what happened. They emailed the parents. A few of his friends came by the house. I haven't seen Giovanna or Sam.

I was getting ready for the calling hours. My parents didn't want people to dress up. I wasn't going to show up in just anything. I decided to wear my ripped skinny jeans with my black sandal heels with straps. I wore my light blue shirt with my black leather jacket. (Blue was Alec's favorite color.)

Zac drove me to the funeral home. We met up with Luke and our parents. With my heels on I was still shorter than Luke. My dad had me put the pictures on the tv screens. Most were selfies of Alec and I.

After about half an hour a school bus showed up. His class mates decided to come. A few chose not to but we didn't care. A ton of family showed up in no time. The little ones went outside to play. Everyone else stayed in the warm building.

"Why didn't you tell me?" A pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

"I'm sorry." Jamie hugged me tighter.

Jamie stayed by my side. Same with Luke. I wasn't happy about some of the people that showed up. Some barely even knew him.

I tried to avoid many family members. Once in awhile I would hide in the bathroom. It didn't work out sense most just proudly marched in there. They all wanted to talk to me and hug me. I just wanted to be left alone. Finally I just walked outside to the back.

"Hunny what's wrong?" My mom came out to my side. She startled me a little.

"Nothing. I just needed some fresh air."

"If you want to leave you can." She started rubbing my back.

"No I'll stay."

"Are you sure? I could probably have Luke take you home."

"I'm fine mom. Go back inside." I snapped at her.

She left me alone on the cold December night. I wasn't complaining. I loved being alone. But sometimes having company is good. Even with some one you thought you hated. Like Luke. I hated him when we were younger. Always had. Then something just made me start liking him. His lovely Blue eyes. His blonde hair straight up. I just loved everything about him.

"Come inside its to cold." His raspy voice sent chills down my spine. His cold hands sat on my hips.

"Just a few more minutes." I turned to face a gloomy looking Luke.

My hands sat on his shoulder. His on my hip. There wasn't much space between us. I was fighting the urge to kiss him. His lip ring shining in the moonlight.

"It's ending soon. We should go in." He broke the silence between us.


It's been a week sense the funeral. I haven't been to school yet. Luke was dragging me there today. He says he's missed me in math. I didn't want to go to school. I didn't want to deal with all the people there. Especially Giovanna and Sam.

I wore sweatpants and Luke's hoodie. My hair up in a messy bun. There was little to no make up on my face. I honestly did not care how scummy I looked.

Luke insisted on driving me to school. He wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Don't look at them. Don't even speak to them." Luke obviously talking about Giovanna and Sam.

"I would just have a civil conversation with them."

"Brianna. I know you. Your civil conversations start with a fight." He doesn't call me Bri anymore. He knew Alec always called me that so he just stopped.

"Might as well get it out of the way."

"What about basketball? That's your life. Don't do something stupid." His voice more firm like he was demanding me to not doing anything. He had a point though.

We walked to first period . We shared math together, like every other year. The teacher wasn't in the room when we showed up. People stared at us, but we ignored them. The halls were still quiet and Alec's locker was filled with stuff from his friends.

When the teacher came in he gave me a shit load of work I missed. I rolled my eyes at him. Luke said he would help me and get me caught up with everything. We both know that wasn't true.

I regretted letting Luke convince me to go to school. I almost forgot how boring and long it was. It wasn't even lunch yet and I was exhausted. Thank god I had a study hall.

"Hey Brianna I'm really sorry about your brother." Giovanna sat down on the desk next to me.

"Really? You're sorry? You weren't saying that when you and Sam were talking shit to him." I snapped at her. Her eyes widen like she just seen a zombie. "Did you think I wouldn't look through his phone and laptop? You're a bitch. You're almost a bigger bitch than I am." I was shouting at this point.

"W-what are you talking about?" Her eyes filled with tears. Everyone in the room was staring at us. The teacher didn't stop us tho.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Should I get the phone out and show everyone? I do have his phone with me right now." I lied. I didn't carry Alec's phone with me. I left it by my bed side.

Giovanna ran out of the room crying. I didn't understand why she was. What I said wasn't even that harsh. With in a few minutes Jamie walked in.

Jamie always sat with me during this period. Sometimes we wouldn't talk to each other, but still find everything funny.

"So I saw a girl crying and I instantly knew it had to involve you." He practically whispered.

"How have the games been?" I changed the subject not wanting to talk about it.

"We won but by one point. They sucked ass. They were completely lost. Like they were playing for the first time in their lives." I laughed over how dramatic he was acting.

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