Chapter 3

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Kayla POV

I ran to my car, got in and cried. I broke down. I can't take it anymore. I love him. He's taken over my heart every since I met him last summer and there hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't constantly think about him.


"Kayla! 10 o'clock! Look at that cutie!" Allison whispers as we're walking through the mall.

I turn to look and I saw him. So many girls were surrounding him which only intimidated me even more.

Being that I was 5'3 with long light brown hair, not extraordinarily pretty or have any extravagant features and a classified socially awkward person didn't help my confidence.

He had the perfect dirty blonde hair, the best smile I've ever seen, and he was the perfect height for me.

I had to have him.

As me and Allison were leaving the mall I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey I'm Matt. Uhm this is kind of awkward but uhm I think you're beautiful and we should hangout sometime. Here's my number so text me if you're interested!" And he scurried away.

Matt. He wanted me. Out of all those girls, he saw me and wanted me. There was something about him that already intrigued and I have to figure it out.

I decided to wait a few days. Of course I was going to text him, he's perfect.

Finally it was time for me to text him and I was so anxious because what if he doesn't respond?

Don't psych yourself out Kayla.

"Hey! It's Kayla from the mall! Remember me?"

A few moments later he responded, "of course I remember you gorgeous! :) are you busy tomorrow night?"

Oh my gosh. He wanted to hangout how was I going to be calm and not awkward around him.

"I do now :)" I replied.

"Wow Kayla did you really just say that you're so lame what the hell" I said to myself aloud.

"Okay see you around 6 tomorrow night! I'll text you tomorrow for your address :)"

Is this really happening? I get to hangout with Matt. He is perfect. And how do I already like him I haven't even had a conversation with him!

I tried to fall asleep but I was just too excited to fall asleep yet, I couldn't stop thinking about my day with Matt tomorrow.

I woke up around 12, well rested and ready for tonight.

Allison came over around 3 to help me get ready for tonight considering it takes me forever to get ready.

Before I knew it, it was already 5:30. I now had my hair loosely curled with my favorite pair of white shorts and a cute teal tank top on.

The door bell rang. Oh my gosh he's here. Oh my god. Allison ran down to open the door while I finished putting on my pearl earrings and shoes.

I walked down to see him waiting at my door. He looked perfect. I got to spend the day with him. How am I so lucky?

"Are you ready to go Kayla?" He said with the best smile I've ever seen.

"Of course!" I tried to say flirtatiously but failed of course. Why do I have to be so awkward?

"Have fun you two!" Allison said with a wink.

We got into Matt's car and we were on our way.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise!" Matt said with a smirk.

He drives us up to this hill in the middle of no where.

"Where are we?" I questioned as he opened the door for me.

"Only the most beautiful place in the world to accompany my beautiful date." He said as he put his arm around me.

His touch gave me chills. This is gonna be a great night.

"You hungry?" Matt asked.

"I thought you'd never ask."

He pulls out a blanket and picnic basket for us to sit on. He pulls out sandwiches, pasta and juice.

"I hope this isn't too lame or you don't like it." Matt said turning red.

"It's perfect." It was. I didn't care what we were doing I was with him.

We ate our dinner and found out all the small details about each other. We put all the food back in his car and sat down on the blanket.

"Look the suns about to set!" Matt said as he moved closer to me.

"Sunsets are one of my favorite things ever. You picked a perfect venue for our first date."

"You said date." Matt smirked.

"That's what it is isn't it?"

Time passed so fast while I was with him, before we knew it it was already dark and we could see the stars.

"It's been my dream to go stargazing. You're on a roll tonight!" I said playfully as I nudged his arm.

"Kayla, I don't know what it is about you, but I like you."

"I like you too." I said blushing.

He moved even closer to me. He softly brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear as we looked deeply into each other's eyes. He leaned in slowly and as our lips met it felt like fireworks went off. Which ironically, they did.

Fireworks went off as we continued to kiss.

My first date with Matt was one of many perfect dates.

I fell for him hard.

*Present time*

I heard knocks on my car door which broke me from my trance.

"Kayla, open up we want to talk to you!"

I rolled down my window. I saw Shawn and Cam standing outside my car. I needed to talk to Cam because we always told each other everything because I knew him on a different level than me and Shawn know each other.

"Shawn, I love you but can I just talk to Cam right now?"

"Anything for you" Shawn said as he walked back into Matt's house.

"Unlock the door so I can get in."

I unlocked the door to let Cam in.

"Cam how could he do this to me? I love him! I thought he loved me! Why did he cheat on me with a slut!?"

"Don't cry, you're too beautiful for that." Cam said as he brushed my tears off with his thumb.

"Kayla, you are beautiful inside and out, and I'm sorry Matt didn't see that the way I always have and always will. I love you." And he leaned in and kissed me.

"...Uh..uh I'm sorry for that I didn't mean to..I...I" and he ran back into the house.

I would be lying if I didn't say I felt something when we kissed.

How can I explain this to Allison?

Better yet, how can I explain this to myself?

Are you team Matt or Cameron right now? There's more to come tomorrow! If you like it give it a vote! :)

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