Chapter 10

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Kayla POV

I got in my car and drove home. I walked inside, and walked straight upstairs to my room. I threw myself onto my bed and just cried. I'm glad Allison is okay, but I still feel like I failed her, failed myself.

I got into the shower trying to drown away my tears and my dark thoughts. While I was in the shower, I eyed my razor. The razor I don't use for shaving. I looked away and got out of the shower. I got dressed and tried to be happy but I failed miserably. I broke down again, and I called the only person who knows.


"Cam. I need you. Now."

"I'm on my way. Are you okay?"

"No, but I will be."

I couldn't handle it anymore. I did it. I ruined my clean streak. I cut, deep. I was in my bathroom crying when I heard Cam run in. I tried to hide my arms but it was too late.

" promised...."

"Cameron I'm so sorry. I'm such a disappointment."

"No" he said while sitting on the floor and wrapping his arms around me. "You're not a disappointment. You had a bad day, and I know how hard it is."

"No you don't Cameron."

He lifted up his sleeves. "Kayla, I used to be severely depressed two years ago. I cut everyday and tried to commit suicide 4 times."

I was speechless. "Cam I had no idea..."

"No one did. That was the point."

He started to cry as he told me his story. "sophomore year I was depressed. I had no friends, everyone hated me, everyone started rumors. I was alone, sad, lost, empty. I had no reason to smile. My dad left us. I lost all hope. I tried to commit suicide four times. But then I finally talked to someone. It took a while for me to really open up, but when I did, things got better. I haven't cut for 2 years, and I'm so proud of myself. I've come so far and I wouldn't have if it wasn't for my mom. Even when I thought I had no one, I had someone; my mom. Kayla, you have me. I assure you that. I will never not be by your side. I don't care what you do, call me and I'll be there. I love you."

I was taken aback, I can't believe Cam went though all of that. He seems so happy and I would have never thought in a million years he went through that.

"Cam, I....uh.."

"Kayla, you don't have to say anything. It's okay." He said smiling at me.

He got a wet paper towel and wiped the blood from my arms. He put a bandaid on it and kissed it.

"This bandaid is here to represent that you've been broken, but you're on your way to recovery."

I smiled with tears in my eyes. I kissed Cam, but not like any kiss we've had before. This wasn't a 'hey I'm horny let's kiss' kiss. This was a 'you mean a lot to me and I don't want to lose you' kiss. It left me breathless.

We got up from the bathroom and laid in my bed. We got under the covers and we got comfortable. He wrapped his arm around my stomach and I fell asleep in his arms.

Sorry this was a sad chapter! But I wanted to bring a sensitive subject up; suicide. If you're suicidal, tell someone please. You mean a lot to everyone I promise you that. I've been there and things get better. I promise. But anyways if you like it vote and comment! Love you guys 😊

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