Chapter 1

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(Warning Cursing)

I watch my boyfriend sing his song to his adoring fans. It was a pleasure to see him again. I missed him, so much. He meant the world to me. He meant the world to his fans. His fans meant the world to him. I only hope I mean that much to him, as well. After the concert was over, I ran backstage to see Jordan. I saw him with Jon, his older brother. They were signing autographs. I waved to both of them when they saw me. Jordan said goodbye to his brother, and came over to me. "Hi, my love." He whispered into my ear, as we hugged each other. "Hey." I replied. "How are you? I missed you." I asked. "I'm wonderful. How about you?" He asks. "Great." I answer. He smiles, and tells me he has to go sign autographs with the others, and I tell him "Okay." And he gave me a hug, and he left. I watch them all walk away laughing. "So, did you tell him?" Elizabeth asks behind me. I shake my head no. "You know he is going to find out sooner or later. You need to be the one to tell him." She replies. I nod. "He is just so happy right now. I can't hurt him. I promised him." I say, starting to cry. Elizabeth hugs me. "Listen, it's fine. How about we talk about something else?" Elizabeth asks. I nod. "So, how are you, and Joey doing?" I ask. "We're wonderful." She answers. I laugh. "Hey beautiful." Joey says, wrapping his arms around Elizabeth's waist. "Hi." She replies. "We were just talking about you." She whispers to him, laughing. "Oh really. Well, I hope you girls are not talking any crap on me." He says, and laughs. I see Jordan, and decide I am going to tell him now. I walk over to Jordan, while Joey, and Elizabeth are distracted. "Jordan. Can we talk?" I ask him, and he nods. We walk to his dressing room, and while he grabbed another shirt to put on,  he asks "What do you want to talk about?" I was scared. But not only to tell him, but what he would do when I told him. When I talked to him about certain matters he gets very mad, and he yells at me, and hits me. I just hope he understands. "Jordan, my brother Conner is sick, and my parents want me to go take care of him while they are on vacation." I say. He just stood there. "Why can't they stay home?  Why are they making you fly across the god damn country?" He screamed. I started to cry. "No. I'm sorry. Please, don't cry." He begged, and he hugged me. I hugged him back. "I love you." He whispers into my ear. I blush, and say. "Oh, Mr. Knight, I love you, too." Then, we started to kiss. "Jordan, I thought you were mad?" I ask. "Just forget about that." He says, and we go back to kissing. I just have to decide whether or not Jordan is safe or to dangerous to be around his own children.

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