Chapter 4

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(Warning Sexual Content, And Cursing)

I couldn't fall back asleep. All I could think about was Elizabeth leaving me. Plus, I am starting to remember her ex-boyfriend in my dreams more frequently. I am scared. I am scared I am going to lose her. She is my whole world. I looked at the clock. It was six-thirty in the morning. I decide to get up, but Elizabeth grabs my arm, and pulls me back into bed. "Don't go." She whispered. "Okay." I say. More flashbacks run through my mind. The fight. Me drinking, and having sex with another girl. "Oh god, what is wrong with me?" I ask myself. Elizabeth rubs her hand across my chest. Maybe she was trying to soothe me. "Go back to sleep." She said. I look over at her, with pleading eyes. "How much do you know?" I ask. "I know everything. Donnie told me. I am not mad. I understand why you had an affair. I love you." She whispers to me. I just stare at the ceiling. "But if you want me to be happy there is a few things you could do for me." She whispers into my ear. "What?" I ask. Then, she started to kiss me. "What are you doing?" I ask her. "Don't talk Joe. Just don't talk." She said. I just don't get anything right now. I thought she would be mad at me, but she wants to have sex. What the hell? "So, are you going to have sex with me or not?" She asks, seductively. Then, we had sex. After we had sex, I decide to tell her about the upcoming tour. "So, Elizabeth, there is a tour coming up for the New Kids On The Block. And of course, I am in the band." I start to explain to her, laughing. "When is the tour?" She asks. "A few weeks." I answer. She starts to frown. "Don't be upset. I promise to call you everyday, and maybe I could get you a ticket to a show." I said, trying to make her happy again. She smiles, and whispers, "You promise." I nod my head. 


I knew Joey was hiding this stuff from me. But when he told me the tour was in a few weeks, I broke down inside. Joey was always there when I needed him. Through my parent's divorce, and my sister dying just last year. He was always there. But he was leaving. I understand we are young, Joey, and I both being seventeen, but I love him. I first met Joey at a VIP concert trip in Boston. I don't know why but I ran up to him, jumped into his arms, and kissed him. I was poked in the stomach, making my sweet thoughts go away. "Hey, my love." Joey said. I start to blush. He kisses me quickly, and asks "What do you want for breakfast?" "Coffee." I answer. "Just coffee?" He asks. I nod my head, and he goes to the kitchen to make me some coffee. 'Alright, he didn't notice yet.' I thought to myself. Ever since I met Joey I haven't been eating much. I was trying to get thin. But it wasn't working as fast, like I hoped it would. I was trying to make myself look like a girl Joey sees everyday. He came back with the coffee, and I replied with "You're the best." He looked upset, and I ask "Are you alright?" "Donnie was down there, and he said when you guys were talking last night you looked different." He explained. "Different how?" I ask. He had a blank stare on his face. And he asked "How much are you eating?" 'Oh no,. He found out. What do I tell him?' I thought to myself. He just kept on staring at me. "Enough." I answer. "Don't lie to me. I told you the truth, even though Donnie told you, I still told you the truth." Joe said, getting mad. "Tell me the fucking truth!" He yelled. Someone ran up the stairs, assuming it was Donnie, I prayed he would help me out. "Hey, you guys. Is everything alright?" He asks, looking worried. I stare at Joe, feeling terrified out of my mind. I look over at Donnie, and nod. "Don't worry Donnie. We are only talking." I answer, beginning to shake. "Just call me if you need anything." He replies, and he walks downstairs. "Please, just tell me the truth." Joe said, calming down, while shutting the bedroom door behind him. "Okay." I said, giving in. "I wanted to lose weight, so I started to eat less, and less." I said, finally answering his question. He sighs, and whispers "Why would you do that?" "You are around all these beautiful, and skinny women. I'm just me." I answer him, beginning to cry. "Listen, love. I will always love you, no more what you look like. You are so beautiful, and you have an amazing personality." He said. I smile. "I will be loving you forever." He whispers to me, and he slowly leans in, and kisses me. 

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